Dance Moms Down Under, Part 2 (s5 e22)

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Alessia's pov
We're in a wildlife park! Abby thought it would fun to take us here, and it really is. We get to see all different kinds of animals we can't see in America like, kangaroos, for example

"Ooh, look girls" Abby points at a kangaroo

We got to feed the kangaroos and we also got to hold koalas and get our pictures taken with them

"So what's in store for our girls this week?" Melissa asks Abby once we decided to take a break

"Oh my God, I'm so hot" I complain to Maddie, Kenzie and Kendall. The four of us had to matching dark gray shirts that Abby had made for the "Australian Tour" were on. Then I also have blue jean shorts and my black sneakers.

"They are going to be learning a new routine to do in that showcase, the big deal in Melbourne." Abby tells us

| We are performing in a big exhibition event, and I want to do a new number this week, something about Australia. I'm gonna use Kalani and Kendall and Ale and Maddie and Mackenzie. I'm not putting JoJo or Nia in the routine. This is my vacation time. This is who I want to spend my vacation with. | Abby Lee Miller

"You know I'm a big movie buff, and I love the movies, and Australia has a lot of big movie stars. So this would be kind of our tribute to something that Americans find fascinating, and that's the whole Mad Max franchise." Abby explains. "So the group routine is a Mad Max, futuristic, very strong, forceful jazz routine."

"Well, where's Kalani? Is she gonna be here? I just noticed. I thought she was here" Melissa asks

"Yeah, she just took a day with her mom, and they're gonna look at the Koalas and do everything" Abby says

"Um, can I have a day?" Jill laughs

"Well, we are going to just let everyone know we're going to pursue Nia's performance in Melbourne" Holly tells everyone

"Is Mikey here?" Jill asks

"He is. I saw him last night. He just arrived yesterday" Holly nods.

"So, I hope you can make it, in between your events, and it would be great to have all the girls and Abby, Gianna, including the moms. We would love to have you. It should be a lot fun" Holly smiles

"We have a lot of events this week. So I don't know" Melissa shrugs and my mom and Jill agree

| Holly schedules Nia's performance the exact same day as our kids' Mad Max dance. I would love to go and watch Nia's performance. I don't see how we're gonna squeeze it in. | Jill Vertes

"I just want to say thank you, guys, for no more crazy videos surfacing about you talking about JoJo" Jess says and I sigh

| Before coming to Australia, the girls were asked in Ireland how they felt about JoJo, and they made some smart remarks. I feel really betrayed by what these girls said, and even more so that the moms didn't put a stop to it. | Jessalyn Siwa

"I want you and JoJo both here to know it was malicious. It was fun. They felt they were including you in talking about you. They would never mean to hurt your feelings." Jill tells JoJo

"The part of the video that you didn't see was us saying "Well, we love her so much", and we were talking good about you." Maddie explains

"Yeah, you just didn't see that part. We all said how much we love you and love hanging out and dancing with you" I add

We then grabbed our stuff and walked somewhere else so we can feed the animals more

"I know how it is, when you just kinda say stuff that you don't really mean and it just comes out" JoJo begins

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