Alessia (Ale) Russo and Madison (Maddie) Ziegler... when you hear those names you think of Abby Lee Millers golden girls. They have been the favorite since Abby laid eyes on them.
Started: April 4, 2024
Ended: September 6, 2024
Best Rankings as of 8...
Alessia's pov We walk into studio A for pyramid. I'm excited because I won in my solo, but we also lost to candy apples for the duet/trio and group.
"Congratulations Asia and congratulations Ale. Asia, it was your first time competing with the Abby Lee Dance Company, and you were the big winner. Ale, you won first in the junior category and I expected nothing less. Great job both of you" Miss Abby complimented and I hugged Asia
"All right. How come four strangers that don't dance together on a daily basis, that aren't taught by the same teacher, come together and tell a story and connect with each other? You're all together every single day. I didn't see that connection. I don't think some of you want to be here. and I certainly don't think any of you work hard enough."
"The pyramid today. First, MacKenzie. Mackenzie, you're injured. You didn't dance. You stayed home. And next, we have Brooke. You are 15 years old. We all make choices. If you want to work hard, you'll get better. Next, Chloe. Chloe, you were part of a trio. That trio should've won. It was second. You fell out of the turns early. You hit the floor before everybody else. And next, Kendall. You were also apart of a trio that came in second. And now, Maddie. Maddie, you were part of the trio too. What went wrong? Next, Paige. Paige, if I give you the responsibility to be part of the group number, then work harder. And next, I have Nia. Nia, you've been flying under the radar. You're here because you're like Switzerland. And next we have Asia. This is a reflection of your score, not your legs or your feet. Those things all need a lot of attention. Understood?" Miss Abby asks an Asia nods
"Ale I feel dizzy" Kenzie whispers to me and I just give her a hug because I don't want to disrupt anything. I leave my hand on her back just in case too.
"And on the top of the pyramid is the first place overall soloist of the entire competition, Ale. I thought you were wonderful. I do need to see more energy though. However, your technique and sass were right on the money" Miss Abby explains and I smile and nod.
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"Mackenzie what's wrong?" Miss Abby asks, noticing Kenzie is crying
"I feel dizzy" Kenzie cries
"You feel dizzy?" Abby asks and Kenzie nods. "All right. Why don't you take a seat? Ok? You want to keep that foot up. Mackenzie had to stay off of her foot" she tells Asia. "And you were her opposite now that Hannah is gone. However now you don't have an opposite. So what do I do with Asia? So you're going to come into the group and you're gonna learn it. But I don't now if your in it or not."
"We're doing a patriotic number. It's called 'Free the People'. We have the conservatives and the liberals. Now, this week we're going to Philadelphia. We are attending Powerhouse Dance Competition. After last weekend, I need to put my best foot forward. This whole fair thing, with trying to spread it all around, no."
"Obviously Asia, you get another solo. The name of your solo is 'Ready for War'. Ale you will again have a solo since you're on this winning streak. Your solo is entitled 'unforgettable'. So, Maddie, you have another solo this week. The name of your solo is 'I'm trying'. Chloe, you will be doing a solo this week. The name of your routine is 'Am I here to stay?'." I smile because I love solos.