Chapter Two

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When I make it outside I'm blushing up a storm. I see Matthew pulling up in front of the mall. When I enter his car this nigga is jamming All Gold Everything.

"Dont believe me just watch nigga nigga nigga" He says while pulling off. "This aint for no stank nigga if you a clean nigga then go take your ass a shower" He says making me laugh. I cut off the song.

"What the fuck? Was that a remix?" i ask him still laughing.

"Hell yeah its called "All Clean Everything" he says laughing.

"Stupid ass" I say.

"But why was you smiling so hard for when you was coming out of the mall?" he says asking me.

"Cause Jaquan approached me when I was at the mall' I Say.

"Oh forreal?" He asks me.

"Yes Matthew. And why in the hell you aint tell me that he wanted to talk to me?!?'' I ask him while smacking his head.

"You gone stop hitting me like that bih! and cause i aint about to go against your mama word!" he says.

"Man fuck her word i'm growing up and she gotta respect that!" I Say.

"Aww look at lil jewel growing up. You getting dick now to?" He asks me.

"Shut up" I Say thinking about the couple of times I have had sex with my ex. I've only had one sex partner. His dick wasnt even that good. One time I Was riding him and he came first. He didnt last long for nothing. We fucked about 7 times out of those seven times I came 2. Thats a damn shame.

"I member when you first lost your shit! You was paranoid asf!" Matthew says making me remember when I once upon a time thought I was pregnant.

"Bitch shut up! Keep driving please" I say. I look at my phone and see that Q has already texted me.

Q: wat up

Me: Nothing still on the way home

Q: Oh thats whats up. I just wanted to tell you that your hug made my day :)

Me: it made me day to

Q: Hearts already slow down Ma lol

Me: Ohh my bad i do that often

Q: Only with me right? ;)

I Bust out laughing.

"Fuck so funny?" Matthew asks pulling up in front of his house.

"Nothing and yay i bet mama cooked some food!" I say getting out of the car rushing to the front door.

~Later That Night~

After eating up all of Matthew them food he dropped me home around 11. Soon as I laid down my phone began to ring. I looked at it and saw I was getting a call from Q.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Whats up?" He says

"Nothing much just getting home" I say

"This Late? Yo mama gone kill you" He says making me laugh.

"As long as I'm home before 12 she doesnt care. Like you said I'm growing up" I say smiling.

"Shit I guess you right" he says.

"Hell yeah"

" We should chill tomorrow" He says.

"Ight cool mama gone be gone to her boo house anyway cause tomorrow sunday" I Say laughing.

"Ma dukes got a boo? How old she is again?" He asks.

"32 going on 33" I say.

"Huh? But you're 17'' He says.

"Yes i know she had me when she was 15" I say.

"Ohhh. Okay"

Me and Q talked for about two hours. I was very excited about hanging out with him later on today. When I woke up the next morning my mama had left a note saying she will be back tuesday and that it was food in the kitchen and nobody was allowed in her house but Matthew.

"Hope she dont be making no more babies" I say rolling my eyes. My phone began to vibrate. It was a text from Q.

Q: Good Morning Beautiful

I begin to smile and text him back. Its now 12 o'clock. I need to start getting ready. Its the middle of May and its hot asf outside. So I decide to wear some white shorts with rips in it and a pink tank top with my pink and white jordans. I was looking cute. I put my hair in a bun and let my chinese bang come out. I heard a knock at the door. I ran to get it. I opened it and saw it was Q fine ass. He picked me up and hugged me.

"Damnn come on sexy" He said grabbing My hand. I'm really looking foward for today.

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