Chapter 34

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Shout Out To This Wattpad Bitch Who Stole My Title "Falling For A Thug" Bitch It Aint Gone Never Be Like My Book!  ;)

Me and Q just stand there looking at baby Daquan. We both are in shock and dont know what to do. Destiny ass is dead ass wrong for this shit. Lemme catch her ass in the street Im getting my one! Who the fuck does this to a new born child? She deserves an ass whooping and jail time for this shit.

"Q we cant just stand here and look at the baby" I say stepping outside picking up the car seat. Quan is still crying. 

"That bitch" Q says slamming the door. I unbuckle Quan from the seat and put him on my shoulders and pat his back.

"Q....Im.....Oh my fucking god. That bitch need a ass whooping!' I say while still patting Quan on the back. He's still crying up a storm. Poor baby.

"Ima kill that bitch Jewel" Q says trying to take Quan from me.

"No bae I got him you need to calm down call the police on that bitch" I say.

"I cant do that. Hell noo! All these drugs in this house fuck no" He says kissing Quan on the cheek. He's finally settled down from the crying.

"Well i dont know what to tell you" I say looking at Quan in  his hzael eyes. He's so fucking adorable. I cant even lie Q and Destiny made a cute ass baby. 

"Fuck!" Q says punching the wall. Quan starts back crying.

"Damn it Q!" I say. "This bitch could of at least left a baby bottle. Now we gotta go shopping. And what is this he have on? A fucking onezie and he's only a week old. What the fuck?" I say looking at the baby closely.

"Look what she left" Q says getting a paper from the car seat.

I cant do it anymore! He cries to much every night! He's a fucking brat. I wish I never got pregnant from your fuck ass. So here you go! You have the rest of your life with him IM DONE WITH HIM AND YOU! You and Jewel can now having a fucking great life with a baby. Im no where to be found so dont even worry about it. Bye Q have a great life

"The fuck?" I say. Q balls up the letter and walk to the room. I decide to follow him into the room with Quan in my arms. Q has his head in his hands. I put Quan down on the bed and walk over to where Q is sitting. Look likes he's crying. I stand over him and place his head on my stomach.

"Bae we cant let this get to us. What she did was wrong but now it looks like our responsibility." I say huggin him. "Theres no need to cry baby. Im here for you. And Im pretty sure your mom would be to. Lets not forget my family. Man bae we got this. We just gotta try our best" I say kissing his cheek. He looks up at me and smiles. He's eyes are kinda red.

'' I really appreciate bae. And dont be telling nobody I was crying either" He says laughing.

"Im not bae. Everybody cries my nigga" I say.

"Look at my lil man. Cant belive I gotta raise him for the rest of my life" He says.

"WE! We gotta raise him" I say smiling. He smiles back.

~That Morning~


Quan was sleeping peacefully but his diaper was sagging and it was irritating me. Him and Jewel both was knocked out. Quan wasnt really a cry baby. He survived thru the night without a bottle. Wish Im very surprised. Today was the day that I was going to get him all the things he needed.

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