𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 ❁ᴢᴇɴɪᴛsᴜ❁

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: crowborn666-writes


“Oh boy.” You sigh wistfully, glancing up from your basket of dry, clean laundry to the entrance. “Seems my favorites have returned. And from the sound of it, not too harmed.”

You quickly finish folding the laundry, hauling the basket back inside before making your way to the infirmary, where other healers were helping the three slayers into clean clothes and warm beds. A glance off to the side showed Tanjiro’s box resting perfectly in the shadows, you even wondered if you saw Nezuko peeking out at you.

Inosuke was grumbling something about ‘doing it himself’ to the nurses the entire time, gritting his teeth against the pain in his arm as one girl carefully tucked it through the sleeve. Not broken, it seemed, but definitely sore.

Tanjiro was the golden boy who was already resting in the bed offered to him due to him not raising any fuss, already taking his medicine as one nurse began wrapping a nasty looking cut on his leg.

And Zenitsu…

“(Y/n)!!!!! You’re here!”

You cooed quietly at the sobbing blond, mentally agreeing that the bruises and cuts he sustained did look painful.

But he was a Slayer, he should be able to handle a few cuts and bruises.

“Yes, I’m here, Zenitsu.” You hummed, walking over and taking one girl’s spot at his side, beginning to gently rub a washcloth over Zenitsu’s wounds to clean them. “What kind of nasty demon did you boys fight last night?”

“Three ugly, scary ones, (Y/n)!” Zenitsu croaked, still sobbing, “They had us backed into a corner like wolves in a rabbit’s burrow!”

“They had you backed into a corner!” Inosuke growled, making a face as one girl handed him a cup of medicine before swallowing in one go.

“Well, your injuries are all minor, nothing broken from what I can see at least! So as long as you rest up and take your medicine,” you glanced up from Zenitsu’s arm, giving him a sharp look, “you’ll recover soon enough.”

Zenitsu was quick to avoid your pointed stare, glancing over to the cup of medicine with a look of fear, as if it were poisoned or the cup would jump up and attack him. You could hear Inosuke laugh on your right, and Tanjiro doing his best to hide a chuckle on your left.

You quickly finished wrapping up Zenitsu’s cuts, much to his obvious displeasure, and stood up.

“Food will be around in a little bit, then I imagine you all will need sleep! Let a nurse know if you boys need anything in the meantime!” You gave the three of them a warm smile, picking up the medical supplies and exiting out the door

You returned to the infirmary room with a large tray of tempura and rice, Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho trailing in behind you with drinks. You passed out portions to each Slayer before checking over their injuries. You deemed their injuries to be healing nicely, smiling as you spotted Zenitsu’s empty medicine cup as you moved to get Inosuke seconds.

“Do you two need seconds too?” You asked, looking over to Tanjiro and Zenitsu after passing Inosuke his plate.

They both shook their heads, Tanjiro adding on a polite thank you as you took their empty plates. Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho passed out another cup of medicine to each of them. Tanjiro and Inosuke took theirs with no fuss and a side of face making, but of course…

“No way! I already took that bitter stuff once today! I’m not taking it again!” Zenitsu exclaimed, shaking his head when Sumi merely held the cup out to him further.

“Zenitsu,” you piped up, taking a moment to pass the tray on to Kiyo and Naho, “take the medicine or I won’t treat you anymore.”


The blond looked flabbergasted, Tanjiro and Inosuke grinning to themselves at your foolproof plan.

“You heard me.” You crossed your arms and stared him down. “Take your medicine or I won’t treat you anymore.”

Zenitsu paled, sweating as he shakily glanced down to the cup in Sumi’s hands. The assortment of expressions his face went through as he fought his nerves was quite assuming to watch, but you smiled as he slowly reached out to take the cup, taking a moment to steady himself before taking the medicine.

You clapped your hands together, smiling your sweetest smile. “Good! Proud of you, Zenitsu! Now, all of you lay down, you need to let your bodies and minds rest.”

Sumi took the now-empty medicine cup back from Zenitsu, quick to follow the other two out of the room. Inosuke passed out the moment his head hit his pillow, and Tanjiro curled up on his side, facing Nezuko’s box in the corner. You moved to fluff up Zenitsu’s pillow as he shifted to lay down, watching as you then turned to close the blinds.

“Rest well, okay?” You turned back to him, eyes bright and smile warm, “And remember I’m just shout away!”

Zenitsu smiled back to you, watching as your form disappeared into the hallway, the door sliding softly shut behind you.

𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 鬼滅の刃Where stories live. Discover now