𝑷𝒅𝒂 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒔 ❁ᴍɪᴛsᴜʀɪ❁

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: myprettydarlings

Mitsuri was at a loss when you told her that she may need to cut down on the PDA. She didn’t even know what “PDA” stood for. Of course, ironically, she asked this while rubbing her forehead against the back of your head while the two of you were having breakfast with Rengoku.

She doesn’t understand that it makes people slightly uncomfortable when she rubs her hands up your chest while in public. Or when she randomly sits in your lap and coos at you while talking to somebody. Or how making out in public is considered taboo, which she has tried and tried again.

She also seems to have little shame about boasting the sexual life between the two of you. Blushing bashfully about it while going into the specifics to a totally stranger. Only stopping when you physically have to cover her mouth.

So, no matter who you meet, in matter of seconds they know that the two of you are together.

It’s almost like she can’t help but show everyone about how in love with you she is. How everything you do seems to light up the world for her.

You love her, you do, but when she starts kissing your neck while you mid mission, you realized that maybe she might need to tone it back a little.

So, one day you sat her down and told her. It went way better than you thought. You reassured her that she is welcome to touch you whenever she likes when the two of you were alone, and she agreed.

For the first two days, everything was fine. Sure, you felt strangely cold without her warmth constantly around you, but other than that, completely fine.

By day four she was twitchy. You caught her staring at your hands more times than you can count. You could feel her gaze burning into you whenever you talked to someone and the way she seemed to slowly sit closer and closer to you.

Day six, she was giving you tight praise that would make you raise your eyebrows. “Nice work!” and “So cool!”. Not unheard of, but six days ago it would have been “Oh my! My lover is so cool and strong! Eeeee, i’m blushing! How am I so lucky!” while peppering your face with kisses.

And finally, a week later you realized that maybe showing PDA was not negotiable in your relationship.

You were talking to Tengens wives who, before you met Mitsuri, had tried to get you to marry Tengen and join them. Of course that lifestyle was not for you, and now they only see you platonically.

Mitsuri knows this. She has even talked to the three about it and is completely fine with you being friends with the three of them.

Of course you only have talked to them when she is conveniently placed in your lap. Or when she just happens to mention what the two of you did the night before.

But that can’t happen anymore. The two of of you were trying something new, and she was fine with it.

But why is Suma clinging onto your arm like that? And why are you standing so close to Makio and Hinatsuru. Is what they are saying so funny?

She wasn’t going to do anything. Jealously is a hideous emotion and she didn’t want you to see her in a different light.

Tengen walks up to the four of you and she narrows her eyes. Her fists clench when she watches him pat your head in greeting. Are you blushing?

She can’t stand it anymore. So, she takes a deep breathe and skips over to you. She throws her body onto yours and wraps her arms around your neck with a squeal. “My love! I missed you!”

You try to crane your head to look at her, confused on the sudden burst of affection. “Mitsuri—”

“What we’re you guys talking about? Oh tell them about the other night, tell them!” She cheers, blushing and closing her eyes. The four others glance awkwardly at each other, obviously not wanting to hear the tale.

“Actually, my wives and I have got got be going now. I’ll see you around!” The four wave goodbye and you return it with a sigh, knowing exactly what happened.

She giggles into your neck and you can’t help but chuckle with her. "Really?" You tease, reaching back to play with her hair.

"I wasn't lying! I really do miss you!"

"We saw each other twenty minutes ago."

She blushes and pouts. "I don't like this new P-D-A rule. I want to touch you all the time!"

You take a deep breathe. You kinda had to agree with her, it was unnatural to have her not by your side all the time. Her touch always brought comfort. "Hmm. I think you're right."

She visibly brightens, eyes widening and legs kicking up. "So you'll let me touch you!"

"But can we try to tone it down on missions and when I'm trying to focus."

She flips you around with ease. Her strength is still something you still have to get used to. "Are you saying I'm distracting?"

You grin lazily. "Im saying that whenever you are in the room, I can't stop imagining you naked."

She turns pink, and lets out a girlish squeal, before leaning forward and connecting her lips with yours.

And so the two of you never learnt to deal with the PDA. But she's the hashira of love, can you expect her to be any different?

𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 鬼滅の刃Where stories live. Discover now