𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒉 ❁ᴋᴏᴋᴜsʜɪʙᴏ❁

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: to: raiinbqw

     Holding the sweet sunflower hairpin in your hands, you recalled the moment he had given you it. You felt like you were floating on clouds that day.

     You and Yoriichi were inseparable. He’d always make time to spend with you. No matter what the cost, Yoriichi was a sweetheart to you, and would do anything for you. Throughout of friendship and bonding with one another, you start to gain feelings for the ponytailed demon slayer. Of course, he has also had feelings for you. The day you both confessed was extremely romantic, butterflies had filled both your stomachs as you stared into the eyes of one another. He had given you that beautiful hairpin that day.

     You had planned to spend the rest of your life with Yoriichi, your best friend, your love, your life, your reason to live.

     But that’s nothing but a distant memory, a dream, a fantasy. Something that could have happened if it wasn’t for him. The more you stared at the hairpin, you began to resent your captor, your crazy, deranged, heartless captor who claims to love you, but has no intention of leaving you unpunished or unharmed.

   “Stupid fucking demon…” You growled in anger as you silently cursed the six-eyed demon who had actual been in the room.

   “I knew…you were bold, ….but I certainly ….didn’t think you were …stupid.” You met eye to eyes with the Uppermoon One himself, looking at you with such anger compressed inside him as his six, glowing eyes bore into your two very frightened ones. Michikatsu Tsugikuni, the brother of your love, the man you yearned to see again, but know fully well you don’t. You had no idea he was so obsessed with you….he just kidnapped you and took you to the Infinity Castle like this.

    “I-I’m sorry! D-Don’t hurt me!” You backed into the corner, your hands shaking as you hid the hairpin behind your back. Unfortunately, Kokushibo saw right through your antics and grabbed the hairpin, playing with it between his fingers. “What…is..that..?”

“I don’t want to tell you!”

    “…” His silence was scary enough to make you talk in an instant. You already knew he was not the type of person that is fond of stalling or beating around the bush. You didn’t know if you wanted to show Kokushibo the gift, clearly he’d get rid of it if he found out who gave it to you. Though, maybe it won’t have to go that far.

“I-It’s a gift…from someone long ago. It’s very special to me so don’t touch it.”

     The ponytailed demon was silent. The hairpin looked so cheap, so worthless…it couldn’t be because you like the style…it must’ve been the person who gave it to you, that’s the only explanation.

“Who…gave you…this?”

    Oh no…he’s onto you. You couldn’t bare to imagine what would happen to you or the hairpin if you told Kokushibo who this was from. Of course, you couldn’t stand to see his gaze for any longer before the waterworks.


    Kokushibo was dead silent. Not even his footsteps made a sound. You shouldn’t have said that. You should’ve lied, it would’ve been simpler just to lie. Why did you have to tell him. Shit, he’s right in front of you, his glowing yellow eyes starind directly at yours.

You look at him like he’s insane. Scratch that, he IS insane. You weren’t about to give your sacred hairpin to this six eyed maniac. Of course…whatever you do comes back to you. Kokushibo didn’t react to you hoarding your hairpin, but he was angry and a little hurt at this. Eventually, he grabs your arm, practically crushing it.

He brought you to a fire in the middle of the woods. The moon shined throughout the night and there was no noise in the forest. It was painstakingly and frighteningly dark and quiet in this place. The only thing you heard of was crackling of the bright fire in front of your face.

Suddenly you felt your hand that held the hairpin burning rapidly by the minute. You looked to see Kokushibo sticking your arm….into the fire.

He didn’t react to your cries or screams of pain. He didn’t care that you lost something important to you. He didn’t care about how much you thought he was a monster. You were his, and his only.

Minutes go by, and he’s still burning your hand.

“K-Kokushibo…please stop…it burns….I’m sorry..”

Kokushibo sighed and removed your hand from the fire. Your hand and half of your arm was burnt to a crisp. The hairpin was gone. The only thing you had left of your love was gone.

Kokushibo disappeared out your sight, but he still had eye everywhere for you. You sat, just watching the fire, knowing the one thing you loved, the one thing you admired and appreciated was gone.

𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 鬼滅の刃Where stories live. Discover now