𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑼𝒑 ❁ᴅᴏᴍᴀ❁

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: o3o-aya

You weren’t even supposed to be fighting an uppermoon... You were supposed to be fighting a newly turned turned demon.

You had just passed final selection and this was your first mission, you were both nervous and excited.

But your excitement and nervousness took advantage of your fighting skills and the demon almost got you.

But you were saved... At least you thought you were...


Douma smiled as he tied your hair up. “There you are my flower... You look beautiful with your hair down but... This way.. I can see your face much clear.” He said as he grabbed your cheek and made you turn your head.

You looked at him before drifting your eyes down, you couldn’t do anything... You were weak and if you tried to fight him... It would be useless.

“Now... Let’s get you changed out of this wrinkled kimono...” Douma said he began to undress you.

You flinched as your arms came up and wrapped around your body. 

“Now now my flower..~” Douma cooed as he grabbed your wrists and pulled your arms from your body. “No need to be shy... We’re passed this phase..~” He said as he admired every mark he made on your body.

“How does f/c sound? I know it’s your favorite.” He said as he cupped your warm face in his cold ones, causing you to shiver.

“We’re going on a very important trip... So it’s important that you look your best.” Douma said as he began to dress you.

Then again... He always wanted you to look good.

He always dressed you up, maked you up, did your hair, and accessoried you all he wanted.


A trip...? Why was he taking you on some stupid trip? He usually liked to keep you here locked in his room, where he could easily get a hold of you when he wanted or needed. 

You were just.. Confused...


Your eyes could only widen in your horror as you glanced around, your eyes meeting the eyes of uppermoon 3... 

This... This was the trip he was so excited for!? Was he getting you all dolled up so that the 12 kizuki could eat you!

“Douma... What is this.. Who is she..?” You heard the basketball man ask.

“She’s my flower!” Douma said as he kept you close to him. “I saved her.. So she’s repaying me... In many ways.” He said as he grip tightened on you.

“We just so happy! Your welcome to the wedding if you wish!” Douma said as he patted your head.

Wedding...? What wedding was he going on about?! 

“No...” You whispered before your slapped his hand away. “NO!” You cried out as Douma stared at you. 

“Do keep that human quiet if you insist on having it here..” You heard a voice say, you slowly turned your head.

Crimson eyes meeting yours, his aura was different... His was much more deadly then that of the uppermoons... Who was this...?

“Of course master! She’s just nervous is all!” Douma said happily before giving you a look of warning.


As the meeting ended, Douma simply tossed you onto the floor of what he called your shared bedroom.

“Flowers don’t talk now..” Douma said he grabbed your hair and held you up as your cried out in pain.

 “Especially not there...” He said as he tossed you back onto the ground.

You just cried as your curled up into a ball, why did this have to happen to you...?

“Oh my poor flower...” Douma said as he kneeled down and looked at your ruined makeup.

“You were scared weren’t you...? A weak little thing like you surrounded by powerful demons..~” Douma said as he smiled, sitting you up as he began to wipe your face with a rag.

“Dear me... Your makeup has been ruined...” Douma said as he grabbed the makeup compact.

“Fortunately for you... I have a new technique from the west I want to see you in!” He said as he smiled. “We can fix your hair later...”

𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 鬼滅の刃Where stories live. Discover now