𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏 ❁ᴅᴏᴍᴀ, ᴀᴋᴀᴢᴀ, ᴋᴏᴋᴜsʜɪʙᴏ❁

202 6 0

ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: nejiverse

cw: nothing really, our boys here have a soft spot for y/n, suggestive if you squint really hard, reader is upper rank 2 and everyone else is pushed down a rank except for Kokushibo

"Where's my Y/n-chan~", Douma whined, looking around the infinity castle.

"Your  Y/n?", Akaza clicked his tongue. "She doesn't even like you".

Gyokko nodded to the corner. "She's over there taking a damn nap", he shook his head at her hopelessness. "Upper rank two my ass".

Douma looked at where Gyokko was nodding towards where he saw Y/n, who was sleeping in a fetal position with her hands tucked against her chest.

Douma snickered with a hand up to his mouth. "I know what'll wake her up!".

The blondie approached her and squatted down.

His hand gripped her jaw, gently squeezing her cheeks which caused her mouth to fall open.

He proceeded use his index and middle finger to prod her mouth open before sliding them into her mouth.

Douma giggled as Y/n furrowed her brow as he stuck them all the way to the back of her mouth.

Once Y/n felt his sharp nails graze her throat, he eyes fell wide open, only to be met with Douma's sultry smirk that she knew all to well flashing down at her.

Y/n bit down hard on his two fingers. Really hard. To the point where she bit them off.

"Ouch Y/nn!", Douma frowned albeit his fingers regenerating immediately after.

Y/n sat up and let out a yawn before observing her surroundings. Everyone was here now except Muzan. She stretched her arms up, making her kimono fall off her shoulders a bit.

"You're so mean to me!", Douma sulked.

"Oh my sincerest apologies lord Douma!", she exclaimed, standing up and clasping her two hands together. "I'm not sure what came over me, but I should know my place", she inched towards the man, her chest against his and her eyes locked on his own, a pleading look plastered on her face while Douma looked down at her in amusement.

"I'd do anything for your forgiveness!", a grin slowly grew on her lips as she relaxed her eyebrows. "...Is what you would've wanted me to say, right?".

She laughed and backed away from him, the fact that his smug look was still plastered on his face annoyed her. "I'll leave that to your cult members".

Douma narrowed his eyes. "Got quite a mouth on you, don't you? Someone should teach you what to do with it".

Gyokko scoffed. "I can't even tell if they're flirting or arguing".

Y/n decided it was best to ignore Douma's comment and her eyes brightened upon seeing Akaza.

She enveloped him into a hug that made him unsteady on his feet, a blush immediately coating the apples of his cheeks.

"Akaza! Long time no see”.

Douma folded his arms childishly as Akaza looked at him with an overconfident, smug look as he spat his tongue out. Everyone knew Akaza was her favourite.

Despite this, poor Akaza was still weak to the touch of any woman.

“Oh yeah, I got you a present”, Y/n reached into her kimono, Akaza averting his gaze at anything else he could find.

She lifted his arm from his side and opened up his palm, placing the box into his hand.

“Open it! Open it!”.

When he did just that, he blinked at her. It was a hairpin.

“Are you sure this is for me?”, he sweatdropped.

“Of course it is! It goes with your hair colour so I got it for you”, she took it out of the box and stuck it in his hair.

Akaza smiled sweetly moving to stand behind her smaller figure. He took the hairpin out of his hair and put it in hers.

“I appreciate it but I believe it’ll look better on you”.

“Aw but lord Akaza, it suits you! It really brought out your eyes too~”, Douma burst out into laughter, holding his stomach.

“Don’t piss me off”, Akaza seethed between his clenched teeth. Suddenly, Douma’s bottom part of his face was destroyed by Akaza’s fist.

Douma smiled as his face regenerated. “Whoa! That was some punch! A bit stronger than before, would you say, lord Akaza?”.


The same fist Akaza used to hit Douma was severed by Kokushibo.

“Akaza”, he spoke. “You always go too far”.

“lord Kokushibo!”, Y/n bounced happily around him.

Kokushibo turned his head to her and brought his hands up to her chest, fixing her kimono so that it was up over her shoulders again.

“You shouldn’t let your kimono slip down like that, you’re a lady”.

She placed her hands on her hips. “Alright dad”, she mocked before smiling again.

“Aw it’s like a family reunion seeing all of you again!”.

“W-where have you been all this time?”, Hantengu asked.

Y/n hopped onto Kokushibo’s shoulders, patting his head which took the demon’s by surprise at the fact that he was allowing it.

“It’s a secret”, she brought a finger up to her lips.

It was evident that Muzan had arrived when  Kokushibo lifted Y/n down and teleported back to where he was sitting originally.

“Family reunion over!”.

𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 鬼滅の刃Where stories live. Discover now