𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒏𝒐𝒈𝒂 𝑬-𝑾𝒂 ❁ᴀɪᴢᴇᴛsᴜ❁

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ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ: paintoreos

As soon as he saw you, he knew it was love. Of course, you didn't think so. After all, he was an Upper Moon demon, and you? You were supposed to slay him. Of course you didn't feel anything towards him except hatred. When you two first met, he just stood there, staring at your beautiful form, while you were running towards him, yelling. He didn't die of course, but he did spare you. He could've killed you in a single thrust, yet he decided to let you go. Kagaya, the Hashiras nor you was happy that you had failed to slay a demon, yet happy that you were alive from meeting an Upper Moon. Right now, four weeks from that incident, you're on your way to a new mission. The least you'd expect is to run up against a Twelve Kizuki. Yet, halfway there, you see him. He, the demon who had spared your life. He, the demon who didn't want to kill you for his peculiar reasons. He heard you, turning his head towards you. When your eyes met his, you could tell that he wasn't expecting you either, surprise filling his usually sad face. He decided to go up to you, trying to befriend you once again. You stood where you stood as he approached, your feet feeling like they were glued to the ground. When he finally was in front of you, he spoke. “Hello..”, his voice sounded so sad, yet a quite happy expression was seen. “What do you want?” you replied. “Nothing, actually.. I just wanted to try to befrie-” He couldn't speak further, since you slashed his face in half. “So much that you know, i will not become friends with a demon, especially not an Upper Rank.” “Hey don't be so cold.. It's making me sad..” He had already regenerated, being able to speak again. “Sad? You? Yeah right. Demons don't have emotions.” “You're wrong about that..”, he replied. You looked at him, with a puzzled expression. “I am wrong? Me?” you scoffed at him. He sighed, deciding that it was pretty hopeless to try and befriend you. “I'll see you around then..?” he asked, just before he started running. “I hope not!” you yelled after him. Though it was meaningless yelling at him now, he was already long gone. You continued your mission to find and slay the demon you were assigned to slay.


Two weeks later, you were assigned a new mission. As you read the letter that one of Ubuyashiki's children had written, your eyes widened. Did you read it correctly? Upper Moon Four. Yes, you had read it correctly. You weren't assigned with any other slayer, much less a Hashira. You took a deep breath as you neatly folded the paper, taking on the mission. You ran through the forests where the demon was said to be located. After a while, you see the silhouette of what seemed like an old man. But your senses told you that this being was not a human. You approached him carefully and silently, sword in a firm grip. When you were close enough, you sliced his head quickly. The demon shrieked as its head fell to the ground... However.. Something was happening to the head and the body. Turning into Karaku and Sekido. “Well, well!~ If it isn't the girl from before! What do you think we do to her, Sekido?!” “I say we kill her.” You stare at them both, terrified. You know that you can't survive if they get serious. You saw Karaku raising his fan. You closed your eyes, knowing only death awaited you. Just as you had given up, you felt that you got picked up by someone. You opened your eyes, looking up at your saviour, looking into...

Aizetsu's blue eyes...

He grabbed you, running into the deep forest with you. You heard Sekido and Karaku's yells to make Aizetsu come back. Eventually, you were so far away that the screams were inaudible. He stopped running, putting you down. “Are you okay?..” he asked. “Y-yeah..” you stuttered. You needed to thank him in some way, but you didn't know how. At last, you decided on a hug. You went closer to him and wrapped your arms around him. He stiffened, eyes widening when you hugged him. “Thank you..” you said while you hugged him. At those words, he hugged you back. “Shinunoga E-Wa..” You looked up at him. “What does that mean?” “I would rather die..” he smiled at you. “You would rather die? Than doing what?” “Losing you..” he said as he kissed you.

𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 鬼滅の刃Where stories live. Discover now