Romero 🔪

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20 years old

My father, the Capo of the Russo mafia family. We are the most ruthless crime family on the east coast, my dad is known all over the US for not only being a good Capo but also for his lack to show emotions to those who threaten his family. My mother, the most loving and caring person i know on this shitty fucking planet, told me that my father wanted to talk to me in his office this morning. I had just got out of the shower after working out with Remo and Junior. They're the closest friends i have, who also happen to be my cousins.

I knocked on the large mahogany door. "Come in." My father's voice sounded from inside. I opened the door and stepped inside to find Gio and a light brown haired woman sitting in front of my father's desk. I raised a brow before my gaze met my fathers.

"Mom said you needed to speak to me?" I straightened my spine, because in my father's presence with company it was always best to stay proper.

"Yes come join us." He nodded to the space next to him. I strode over, and turned. I could have sworn my heart stopped. This woman was gorgeous, long brown hair, thick thighs, slim waist, and the most beautiful serene color eyes. They were a color mixed with dark blue and green. After i gathered myself, i realized this isnt Gio's wife. My eyes flitted to him, and he gave me a terse nod.

"Romero, you remember Gio and Gemma right?"

Gemma? This cant be the Gemma i grew up with.

"Yes i do, it's been a while Gemma." I tried hard to not smile in the presence of her father. I didnt want him getting the wrong idea.

"Yes it has been a while Romero." She replied, giving me a beautiful grin. Her pink plump lips caused me to shift my stance a bit. Her presence alone was making my stomach knot up. But i kept my expression neutral. I was similar to my father in a lot of ways, hard expressions, brutal fighter, only i didnt have any tattoos. My father had tattoos all over his torso back and arms. Most of which are family related.

"We wanted to remind you two that you have been promised since both of you were teenagers. And now that you're both of age, we would like to officially announce your engagement in the next few months. But we also would like you two to get to know each other better since there hasn't been interaction in some time." My father said. Gio nodded in admission. He never really spoke much unless he absolutely needed too. Stella told me that he talks a lot when hes around family, which im still skeptical. Stella is married to Gio's younger brother Alessandro. They have a son and daughter and live in New Jersey. Their father retired 6 years after their marriage and Ale has been the underboss for the last six years. Their son, Christian who is 12 will induct in a year and hes a very eager kid. Their daughter is a chaotic little girl, shes only 6 and thinks she is the most powerful little girl ever. Although cute, she can get on everyone's nerves during the holidays.

"That sounds reasonable." I kept my answer short. Somehow i felt nervous all of the sudden. I never get nervous. Dad nodded his head, "So it's settled then. We will announce your engagement at the Russo Family Spring ball in April."

"That sounds like an amazing idea Capo. I will make sure to let my wife know." Gio spoke.

"Romero, take Gemma and show her around while Gio and I discuss other business." My father commanded. I didnt argue, i rounded the desk reaching out my hand to her. She turned up at me, doe eyes of that green blue just staring up at me. From this angle she was a sight to behold. I had a brief thought about her on her knees looking up at me with the same expression before i felt warm fill my hand. I looked down and her delicate hand was in mine. I closed my hand around her gently and she rose from her seat. I was about 6'3, and she only reached my shoulder. Her red flowered dress flowed down her body so beautifully. The curved of her hips and ass looked fucking amazing. My hand found the small of her back, as i guided her to the door.

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