Gemma 👄

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Carla's birthday was in a few days, and i should have told Romero about it a week ago. Now im running around trying to find last minute things to put together. Mariana came with me along with Valerio and Aiden. Apparently her and him have been getting to know each other. I told her to be careful, that he just likes to mess around. She eventually waved me off saying they were just friends.

"Ugh, what does a 7 year old even want these days?" I groaned in frustration. I stared at the barbie dolls and tutus, make up sets, baby dolls, etc. After Romero and I made up a few weeks ago, he took the entire rest of the week off to take Carla shopping for clothes, bedding and plenty of princess related stuff to hang in her new room. Her last appointment went well. We finally got her into a more flexible cast. She still had another 7 weeks until she could start physical therapy, but until then, Romero, Matteo or Valerio help her up and down the stairs in the mornings and at night.

"Maybe she'll like this," Aiden playfully held up Godzilla that makes a screeching sound. Mariana and I grimaced. "What, you dont think she'd like it?" Mariana shook her head at him, and i chuckled.

I eventually picked out some princess dresses for her princess doll i got her a week after we got to our home, and a few playsets of nail polish and make up. When we got to the check out line, i realized i forgot to grab a cake topper.

"Valerio can you get a princess crown cake topper? I think i saw it down that isle."

He looked at me confused, I shook my head ill get it. He softly grabs my arm, i looked up at him, "I'll be fine, its just right over here okay?" His brows pinched he nods.

I went down the isle, searching for the crown when someone bumped into me. I straightened and went to say sorry when the lady grabbed my wrist, "Ow. Uh excuse me but you're hurting me."

"Ms. Marino, its me. Helen from the agency." she hid her face with a hooded trench coat and was speaking to me in hushed tones.

I tilted my head trying to look at her face for confirmation, when i saw that it was her, i retched my hand from her, "Where have you been? Do you realize what Carla has been through?!" I whisper shout, trying not to attract attention to us.

"Its a long story, but Ms. Marino, you have to do something." She looks behind me and then turns to look behind her before looking back to me, "You have to give Carla to her father."

"Are you insane? No!"

She grabbed my wrists again, but this time squeezing harder, "You dont understand Ms. Marino! He's going to kill me if you dont, his daughter is his property. You need to give her up or he will come after her himself."

My stomach twisted with nausea just as Valerio ripped her away from me. My head was spinning, Valerio voice sounded like static, my vision blurred and then everything went black.

When i woke, I was back home. Romero was hovered over me with worry etched on his features. "How are you feeling?" he asked softly. He helped me sit up in our bed, i blinked a few times to rid of the blurriness. When i started to feel a bit better, i instantly remembered my conversation with Helen.

"Romero, where is Carla? We need to get her out of here, that..that lady told me something bad would happen if we didn't give her back." I tried getting out of bed too fast but swayed on my feet and my legs buckled under me and i fell against Romero.

"Hey, hey, you have to relax. Here sit down and breathe," He helps me sit on the edge of the bed, kneels down so we're eye level, "Deep breathe in," I inhale with him, "And out." I exhale. We do it a few more times before im finally a bit more relaxed.

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