Vivian 🥀

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These last few months have been amazing with Nic. He took me to upstate New York where we went camping by a lake. I had told mom and dad that i was going on a school trip for the weekend, I have Gerard falsify some documents for proof. We went for a hike to find this really beautiful waterfall at the end, Nic and i had a picnic there and later after we took a swim under the water fall, we had a quickie behind the fall of the water.

A month after that we really did have a school trip and we went up to Vermont, it was fall now, just a few weeks shy of thanksgiving. Carla's birthday party was in today and i was not looking forward to that. I would still be gone when that happened and although her and i developed a connection, i didnt want to face my brother just yet. Him and Gemma were getting a little better after i went to talk to him about making up with her. I felt bad about not being there so i called Anya and Heather. They answered on the second ring.

"Well hello there runaway bride." Anya jokes. "Shut up Anya, she didnt run away." Heather speaks up.

"hows the party?" I asked when they stopped arguing.

"It's great, your brother looks happy, Carla is ecstatic about her cake." Anya said with a chipper voice, "What about you hmm? Are you and you know who having a fun time?"

Anya and heather were the only two to know about Nic, and i trusted them to keep it between us because the fear of my family knowing might actually destroy my family.

"We arent doing anything Anya, but we arent talking about me, can i talk to Carla?" Anya giggled. It was quiet for a moment before i heard her sweet voice.   

"Hi BiBi." Carla said cheerfully. She never quite got the hang of my family nickname but i loved that she tried anyway.

"Hello sweets, Happy birthday. Im sorry i couldnt be there with you." A lump in my throat formed, my emotions getting the best of me. I felt so selfish being here with Nic, while my niece is spending her birthday without me.

"It's okay, Mama and Romero have been really cool. Oh and Nana Sarah is here and Papa Luca. All my friends, too. I got so many presents too. Can i show you when you come home?"

I smiled sadly, "Of course you can. I will come straight over when i see you this weekend."

Carla squealed, "I got to go, it's almost time for cake. Bye BiBi."

"Bye sweetheart." I tear slid down my cheek and i quickly wiped it away. Anya and heather both said their goodbyes and we hung up. I sat on the porch of the cabin my classmates and i shared. The sun was going down passed the autumn trees and i couldnt help but feel guilty.

A warm presence behind me made me straighten. Nic settled behind me on the step just above the one i was sitting, wrapping me in a hug and kissing the top of my head. "You feeling alright angel?" He murmured.

I let out a sigh, "I missed Carla's birthday party."

"Im sorry. Maybe we can take her out when we get back? You know to make up for it."

I smiled and craned my head to look at him, "You are the sweetest person i know, you know that?"

Nic pressed his lips to mine, "Only to you il mio piccolo mostro."

  I turned in his hold, "I am not a monster! How dare you." I chuckle and playfully hit his arm. He pulls me into him, kissing me again, "You're right, you arent a monster per se." His eyes darkened, "But behind closed doors, you are."

I gasp, "Nic! Someone might hear you!" I whisper yelled. Kissing my forehead, he peered down at me, "Come, i made dinner plans for us."

Later that night after a delicious dinner, Nic and i took a stroll on a boardwalk, tiny shops and bistros illuminated the night. Hand in hand with him, it felt nice to enjoy the PDA. Nic lets go of my hand to wrap his arm over my shoulder so i can lean into him. It was a bit cold outside, so feeling the warmth of his body against mine was nice.

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