Nic 🥊

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Its been a couple of weeks since Vivian has been shot. We ended up staying in Vermont until it was safe for her to travel. Standing in the kitchen of the cabin we rented out, i made Vivian the usual breakfast we can eat. Eggs with toast. After plating her food, i stalked back to our bedroom where she was sitting against the headboard. Her shoulder bandaged, but her face was bright as she watched the tv. Seeing her bandaged up like that only pissed me off about her brother that much more. Shaking ym head, i strode over to her.

"Here, you have to eat so i can give you your medication." I smiled kissing the top of her head. She took the plate with a smile, and began eating. I sat on the edge of the bed, just watching her, making sure she was really here, alive.

"What is it?" She asked taking another bite of her toast.

"We have to leave for Vegas in a few days." I say tonelessly. Vivian nodded and set her plate aside. She swallowed and stared at me, "I want to see my mom and dad before i go."

My brows drew together, "Vivian i am not going back to New York. You almost died trying to protect me."

She places her hand on mine, "What if they come here? Vermont is apart of my dads territory as well, but its also neutral. The underboss here never has issues. Please Nic."

Seeing her plead about her family, only made it harder to resist her. I knew she was all about her family when i met her. Denying her this would only crush her. The last thing i want to do is break her heart. So i nodded, "Okay."

"Can we make them a dinner?" She asked as her face lit up.

"Vivian, you cant even get out of bed with out help."

"I'll be fine. Just let me do this please?" Her hand found my cheek and she caressed it with her thumb. There is no telling this woman no, i know that now.

"What would you want to make." She giggles clapping her hands together. She was going to be the death of me one day.

That night when Vivian fell asleep, i took it into my hands to call Luca. He answered after the 4th ring. "Yes?" His deep voice came through the phone."

"Luca, its Nicolo Morelli."

Silence on the other end before he spoke up, "What do you want Morelli? I hope its to give me my daughter back?"

I huffed and shook my head, "You Russo's are something else you know that? She isn't property."

"No, but she is my fucking daughter Nicolo. So just bring her home and you can go back to Vegas with no further issues."

"Cant do that Luca. Vivian wants to be with me, you'll have to take it up with her. But thats not why i called."

A exasperated sigh came from his end, "What could you possible want now Morelli."

"Its not what i want." I took in a deep breath, "Vivian wants you and your wife to come up to Vermont so she can share dinner with you two before we go back to Vegas."

He laughs, "There will be a cold day in hell if you think im bringing my wife anywhere near you-." Muffling sounds filled the receiver before a female voice, much like Vivians sounded. "Nicolo? This is Sarah, Vivians mother."

I straightened, "Uh hi Mrs. Russo." The fuck was i doing?

"Please call me Sarah, how is my little girl? Is she okay?" I heard lucas voice in the background, probably trying to scold his wife.

"Uh shes doing great. I was just telling your husband that Vivian requested that you two join us for dinner before we leave."

"Dinner sounds wonderful, we will see you tomorrow. And Nic? Please take care of my baby girl."

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