Nic 🥊

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"Nic get the fuck up or we'll be late for class idiot."

I groan as i roll over and cover my head with my pillow. After nearly texting back and forth with Vivian last night, until 3 am. I am exhausted. Renzo, my best friend since we were kids, throws a shoe at me, "Now or you're walking to campus." He shouts before stalking off.

I lift my pillow to glare at the empty spot that he was standing in. I sit up in bed, swinging my legs til my feet hit the floor. Yawning, he comes back to taunt me again. I open one eye, glaring at him, "You're lucky you're my best friend or id get off this bed and kick your ass."

He grins, "Id love to see you try buddy. Now lets go!"

After taking my time to get ready; just to piss off Renzo for waking me up, we actually made it to our political science class on time. I stifled my annoyance while the professor was talking to another student, I discreetly throw my hand over Renzo's shoulders and squeezing him into a head lock.

"I thought you said we were going to be late, you fucking shit head." I whisper to him, listening to him gasp for air.

"We would've if you had been in the shower for another twenty fucking minutes, you vain piece of shit." He choked out.

I chuckled and let him go. Renzo gasps for air, and flips me off as i turn to the row of seats near the back of the class. I take my seat in the middle of the isle and fish out my MacBook and set it in front of me when two seemingly fit NYU t-shirt wearing girls pass by us with smiles and giggles. Gracing them with a nod is more than i would have liked to give them but im not a total asshole.

Renzo turns his head to me, eyebrow cocked, "What, no playful smirk or sexual remark? Even a 'hey' would have had them soaking for you."

I shake my head and open my laptop, "I came to New York to go to school, not to whore around. If i wanted to be like my older brother i would have stayed in Vegas."

"Ah, yeah. But you've set your eyes on the New York Capo's daughter like an idiot. You're lucky no one knows who you are. If i hadnt been accepted here at all, you probably wouldnt even have a reason to run away either. I hate being on your dads shit list, but hey thanks to him you and your family have been under the radar for decades now. Lets just say, your balls will stay attached to your body, so long as you dont de-flower their princess." Renzo bursts out into laughter when i punch his shoulder for talking about Vivian like that. I continue to give him a death glare and he just keeps laughing.

"If you're quite done Mr. Falcone, i would like to get our class started." The professors voice sounded over the speakers in this auditorium like classroom. Renzo purses his lips but continues to laugh silently in his chest.

As im whispering some threats into his direction, and the professor lectures on about the meaning of speaking negations between neutral parties, the classroom door swings open.

"Ah, Ms. Russo. Nice of you to finally see you've graces us with your presense today."

I wasn't paying too much attention until the scent of vanilla and something floral filled the air around us just as she walks past.

"Sorry Mr. Michaelson, I over slept by accident." She takes her seat as a small desk in the corner and Mr. Michaelson, waltzes over and starts talking to her. Im surprised she hasn't seen me yet, but its kind of dark up here and i haven't powered on my laptop yet. I kind of like looking at her from the dark, because every time she smiles at the professor, she seems to light up the entire room.

"Guess you wont keep your balls after all compagno." Renzo whispers. Id happily risk anything to keep seeing this girl smile.


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