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"Gemma please come out of the bathroom before i break the door down." Romero shouts through the thick wooden door of our ensuite. I stood in front of the mirror, removing my make up and getting ready for bed. Carla had a follow up appointment with her specialist this afternoon. It's been a week since Romero's talk with Vivi and i had ran into her in the hallway on my way to the kitchen for, another, snack. When Vivi explained to me what had happened, sobbing and breathing heavy. I was livid, he was putting his job in front of his family, AGAIN.

"Not happening." I sing song. He continues to pound on the door until i finally got so annoyed that i swung the door open so fast his fist nearly landed on my forehead. My fiery gaze met his cold one, no words were exchanged. After what his sister told me about her father's ultimatum, i had offered to get her out of this place. She, like everyone else in this life, deserves to fall in love with anyone they see fit. Regardless if he is the rival of our family, he seemed to really love and care about her when i had taken her to meet up with him on the outskirts of Jersey. I told them not to tell me where they were headed so i wouldn't accidentally let it slip, but i had a feeling they may have went back to Las Vegas.

"Are you just going to keep ignoring me? We need to talk." Romero said, fists balled at his sides. I rolled my eyes, pushing past him with my shoulder and my bulging belly. I pulled back the duvet, sitting down while i removed my slippers. I stared at him, not saying a word. He scoffed as he angrily strode over, helping me into bed.

"Gemma, have to tell me where Vivian is. She could be in danger." Romero handed me my book.

I huff out a laugh, "Your sister is far from danger Romero. She's in loves, and the sooner you understand that to sooner you will get your sister back."

"She cant be in love with someone like him, Gemma. This isnt like me and you, his family doesnt allow the future Capo to marry outside Vegas. And the fact that shes the Familigia Capo's only daughter, they're taking the opportunity to use her." Romero sank onto the bed next to me. I slammed my book shut, letting out a disgruntled exhale.

"How would you know his intentions if you have never spoken to the man. You know nothing about him Rom-," I was cut off by a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I bent over my belly, holding it with my hand. It lasted only a few minutes before it subsided. Romero stared at me, wary in his expression.

"Are you okay Mia Cara?" his voice now a softer tone, as he touched my thigh.

"Im fine, but like i was say-," I was interrupted again by the pain but sharper this time. I was only 8 months and 2 weeks, it's way too early to be in labor. Romero quickly rose from the bed, digging out his phone. I felt a warm liquid between my thighs, shoving off the blanket i stare down at the bright colored crimson soaking the bed.

"R-Romero.." I gasped.

He turned to me, then glanced down to the blood on the bed. I have never seen Romero turn any shade of grey before. "Get over here now." He shouts into the phone before hanging up. He quickly strode over to me, gently lifting me out of bed.

"Wait, Romero..the blood-."

"You really think the blood is going to make me uncomfortable?" He rose a brow, a chuckle rose in his chest as he kissed my forehead, "Gemma, you clearly dont know me that well."

He swiftly made his way through the corridors and down to the first floor just as Aurelio comes through the front door. "Oh shit..what the fuck-."

" No time to talk, lets go." Romero quipped before stalking toward Aurelio's bright red Bentley. I swear men and their cars. When Romero softly placed me in the backseat, another wave of pain shot through me and I gripped Romero's neck so hard my nails dug into his skin, eliciting a hiss from him.

When the pain subsided again, more blood streamed down my thighs onto Aurelio's jet black leather seats. "S-Sorry Lio.." I said breathlessly. He waved me off, worry etch in his features.

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