Romero 🔪

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"Where the fuck are you Aurelio, father is growing impatient." I yell through the speaker of my phone weaving in and out of city traffic. I had a date with Gemma tonight and i was already running 30 minutes late. I had explained to her why i was late and she immediately assured me she understood and would wait for me. I didn't deserve her, and she didn't deserve losing her virginity on top of a wash bin in the ladies room either. Its been 2 weeks since the announcement of our engagement, we hadn't had sex since the night she stayed in my penthouse. I had been busy with work with my father and uncle, and she was busy with wedding preparations. Today she went with both our mothers, our sisters and her best friend Mariana, who i assume is her made of honor, to find bridesmaid dresses and flower arrangements.

No matter how much she explained it to me, wedding information never truly made sense to me, ive attended many weddings with my mom and father over the years. The festivities although beautiful, it seemed like a lot of time to do this. But the glow in her eyes when she talked about it, it made it all the more special.

"I'm leaving aunt Vero's how now, Remo was fixing his hair for like 15 minutes." Aurelio sounded from my cars speakers. I pulled up in front of the Marino mansion just outside the city. Rubbing a hand over my face at my younger brother and our cousins being ridiculous and vain shit heads.

"Tell him no one gives a shit what he looks like, you guys are guarding Vivi, Anya and Heather. And Aurelio keep a special eye on that Nic guy. I dont fucking trust him. Vivi is in her last couple years of school and I dont want her getting distracted by some douche bag."

Silence filled my car before laughter erupted from Remo. "Wow, and i thought my dad was harsh with Stella. I would never dare to talk like that to my sisters, they would strangle me to death, more so Katie then Stella though."

Getting out of my car, striding up the driveway, i placed my phone to my ear lowering my tone, "If anything happens to my sister tonight Remo, the one person thats going to strangle you, is me." My tone held the threat it intended. Cousin or not, I will show my wrath to anyone where my sister was involved.

"Dont worry Rome, our sisters and heather will be protected at all costs." Junior spoke up. He was very dutiful where his sister and occasionally heather was concerned. It was what i liked most about him. When we younger he had been the one causing havoc on us and our parents, but at 19 hes grown more quiet and serious. More like my father and I then his risk taking father, my Uncle Ricardo.

"Thank you Junior. I will call back in exactly 2 hours to make sure you've taken our sister home, understood Aurelio."

He sighed dramatically, "Yes dad." he drawled in a mocking tone. When i hung up and pocketed my phone, I turned to knock on the enormous wooden door before is swung open to light brown curls and her beautiful dark blue and dark green eyes. She was dressed in casual wear, she insisted we go to coney island for our date. Ive only been a few times as a kid with my mom and aunt Amber. She wore a knitted see through sweater with a white tank top underneath and the shortest shorts ive seen in my life. Although my cock twitches at the sight of her lean, exposed legs, tonight was going to be a stressful one for me.

"Hey you," Gemma said in a teasing tone. I sucked in a breathe as she exit the home and gave me a lingering kiss. Her father cleared his throat and we both reluctantly pulled back. Gemma stood at my side and i wrapped an arm around her to hug her waist.

"I know you two are engaged now, but I do expect my daughter to be home at a respectable hour, romero." He drawled out with venom.

Gemma rolled her eyes and scoffed, but said nothing otherwise. "Yes sir. Dont worry shes safe with me." pulling her tighter to my side, a small squeak sounded in the back of her throat, only loud enough for me to hear. My mouth twitched. Gio nodded. I walked Gemma down to my car waiting at the bottom of the driveway. When i opened the car door she quickly turned and pressed her lips to mine. My hands rested on her hips , pulling her in closer to me deepening the kiss. Now that we were out of view of the front door i didn't have a problem showing my true feelings.

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