Vivian 🥀

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The next morning, mom and dad insisted we had breakfast together before they left back to New York. Our flight wasnt until later this afternoon, and it was nice to see them again.

"Vi, you have to promise to come home every Christmas okay? And maybe we can find a neutral ground for your birthday and other special events?" Mom asked as her gaze flitted between dad and Nic. They both gave eachother a blank look before Nic peered down at me and dad to mom. "We'll make it happen." They said together.

I gave them both a quizzical look before mom pulled me into a hug. I swallowed a wince as she crushed me in her embrace. I would endure this pain with her just this time because who knows how long it would be until we see each other again. A lot can happen between now and Christmas. "I love you so much Vivian." Moms sniffled and a knot of emotions formed in my gut.

"I love you too mom." I squeezed as much as my uninjured arm would let me. When she let go, dad embraced me. Kissing the top of my head before he whispered, "Sarai sempre il mio piccolo fiore, Vivian."

He had told me since the day i was born that he called me his little flower, because i the love he bloomed for me was special. Tears finally fell from my eyes, wetting my cheeks and dad's suit. I fisted his jacket, not wanting to let go but i knew that if i wanted to see him, he would burn every city he had to, to get to me. "I love you dad." I choked out.

Waving at my parents town car as is drove down the long driveway, i exhaled sharply as i realized the new life i was about to experience. "I didnt even tell my mom i was engaged." I muttered.

Nic's hand rested on the small of my back as i rested my head in the crook of his arm. We were sitting on the porch stairs, i didnt have it in me to get up yet. Nic just stroked my hair for what seemed like hours, only to be interrupted by my phone vibrating. I pulled it out of the pocket of my cardigan and read the caller ID.

Nic's jaw ticked at my brother's name flashing on my screen, "I'll go check to see if the plane is ready and make a few phone calls about your upcoming doctor visits." He kissed my cheek and stalked into the house. I slide the answer button across the screen and brought it to my ear. For a moment i didnt say anything until i heard his voice, "Vivian?"

I closed my eyes, more tears forming and my heart breaking, "Romero.." I said on a shuddered breath.

"I didnt think you'd answer," He sighed, "How uh, how are you feeling? Gemma said mom and dad went to see you?"

I nodded my head as if he could see me, "Yeah, they just left." We stayed quiet for a a few heartbeats iuntil i spoke up, "How's Carla?"

"She's doing great, shes been cleared to do full activities, but shes still limited to just a few hours a day. She cant exert herself just yet." Shuffling sounded on his end, "No not right now." He murmured.

"Is that her?" I perked up. Romero sighs, and a beep sounds on my phone. I turn the phone and my screen says Romero is requesting a FaceTime. I accepted immediately and seeing Romero's face only broke my heart that much more. He had slight dark purple shadows under his eyes, he looked exhausted. I hoped he wasnt beating himself up about this, but i had to admit i was still upset with him trying to kill Nic.

"I only have a few mintues before i have to go," He assured me before Gemma and Carla's smiling faces came on screen.

"Hi BiBi!!" Carla shouted. Gemma shushed her as to not wake up the twins. "Sorry, my brothers are sleeping." She whispered. I giggled, "How are you BiBi? I miss you! Are you coming home?" She asked in one breath.

I frowned slightly at her last question, "Oh sweet pea, im not coming home. But i do miss you, so so much." It was Carla's turn to frown, "Why?"

"It's because Aunt Vivian is going to be with her boyfriend honey. But dont worry we'll see her again." Gemma told her, and Carla's eyes lit up, "You have a boyfriend BiBi?!" She exclaimed. I heard distant crying in the background and a groan from Romero. I briefly saw him walk past the camera before disappearing again. My attention was back on Carla, "Yes, i told you about him remember?"

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