Romero 🔪

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When Gemma didn't come back from the restroom after about 10 minutes, i went in search for her. She wasn't in the bridal suite where she had gotten ready, so i decided to go look for her in our master bedroom. When i turned the corner, I watched as Gemma snuck out of our bedroom with jeans and a sweatshirt. As suspicious as this looks, half of me thought she might be with someone else. I quickly drowned the thought. I silently followed her down the corridor, grabbing her by the arm, "Where are you going, wife."

The look on her face was shock, before it turned to anger, then worry. I studied her as she took in a big breath and replied, "I have somewhere I need to be."

I almost laughed, does she really think im going to believe that? "On our wedding night? whats so important that you need to leave right now?"

I could tell she was trying to think of another excuse that i might believe. I stood there waiting as she closed her eyes and drew in a big breath, "Its Carla."

Annoyance filled me to the brim, causing my patience to wear thin rapidly. Her distance from me these last 6 months almost makes sense now, and i couldn't be more pissed off about this. But before i could reply, she spoke again.

"She broke her leg, and shes at the hospital right now. No one can get in contact with the social worker, so they called me."

What the fuck?

Why wouldn't the social worker answer the phone in an emergency like this. My father paid this agency good money for this to be taken care of. Something isn't right, i need to get to the hospital right now.

"Look, I only told you because you would have found out eventually. Im going and you cant-."

I didn't have time to hear her talk anymore. Grabbing her by the arm, I pulled her along side me as i strode to the garage. If this is what i think is happening, we need to get to Carla quick. I'll call my father on the way.

Stepping into the garage, i grab the keys to the Bentley i just bought a month ago. I was going to use it as a way to take Gemma on our honeymoon to Maine, now its the only car i have in this mansion thats fast enough to get us back to the city.

"Wait, what are you-."

After I rounded the car, i turned to Gemma standing in the doorway of the garage, troubled. I didn't have time for this. "Are you getting in or not?" I quipped.

I seen her jog over and quickly get into the car. The engine roared to life, i put it in drive, and sped down the gravel driveway. Would have been a cobble stone driveway, but it couldn't be done in time before the wedding.

I sped as fast as i could toward New York. After calling my father, he told me he would send Enzo and Matteo to watch over Carla until i got there. Gemma glared at me, "Whats going on Romero. Why is Enzo and Matteo guarding Carla, when it was you and your father who said to give her up."

"Gemma, now isn't the time, I'll explain later."

She scoffed, "You aren't getting off that easy. Wife or not, that little girl means alot to me and i dont care that she means nothing to you. So tell me what the fuck is going on!"

My grip on the steering wheel tightened, my knuckles turning white from the pressure. "This isn't a coincidence. It might be her father trying to find her, and what would be easier than to kidnap his own daughter from the hospital?"

Gemma's face grew pale, and tears filled her eyes. I sighed, "Its gonna be okay, we'll get to her and I'll find a way to protect her until we deal with Yohan."

"Why would someone want to hurt their own child." She whispered, wiping the tears with her hand. I hesitantly placed my hand on hers, squeezing it lightly. Not taking my eyes off the road, i felt a firm squeeze back. She was looking out the window into the abyss of the night. Hiding her emotions from me was something she always did. I wished she would just show me, so i knew how to console her.

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