Vivian 🥀

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After getting home from the mansion early, I run upstairs so fast i nearly tripped over my own feet getting up the stairs. Once in my room, i close the door and lean against it. Romero has been on my case since last night. When Aurelio told him i was hiding away in the garden, Romero's defenses spiked. Hes been probing me with questions about how im feeling and if i wanted to talk. I have to make a mental note to put sour cream into Aurelio's almond milk later for bringing my twin into this.

My phone vibrates again and I take a quick look at it.

Nic: Cant wait to see you tonight Angel.

I stared at the message, it was only 7:30 and i told him to meet me at 9. I dont know what came over me, because now i have to not only convince my brother to let me go but also my father. Ugh im so stupid. I sent out a quick reply to Nic before i crossed the room and threw myself onto the bed.

Me: If i make it to, tonight. I have to figure out a plan to get out of the cage im in first.

A few moments pass and then my phone goes off again.

Nic: Need assistance? 😉

Me: Not if you ever want to live to see the next day. I dont know what I'd do if my brother or father hurt you.

Nic: Are you worried about me Angel? lol

I blush of embarrassment, but i quickly shove it down because yes i am worried about him. Despite our families differences, i like him alot and theres no way in hell im going to let my family keep me away from him. I push myself off the bed, and storm out of my room.

Finding myself standing outside of my fathers door leading to his study, i hesitate to open it. My hand hovering over the door knob as thousands of different scenarios run through my mind on how this will go. But i round my shoulders, turning the knob and making my way inside. Dad is pacing the room, talking silently on the phone. I slowly walk toward him, and right as im arms length away he glances to me and light fills his eyes.

"Let me call you back Enzo, my daughter just walked in the room." Without waiting for a reply, he hangs up his phone and shoves it into his pocket. He turns his body to face me and its as if im staring directly at my twin brother. The harsh grey eyes, the emotionless face, its amazing how similar they look right down to the last strand of hair. Only dad has a few strands of grey hair combing through his curls.

"Can i talk to you dad? Its really important." I stand there fidgeting with my hands, but i quickly stop my habit remembering how Nic tells me to relax. So i take in a deep breathe, and exhale.

Dad leans against his desk and crosses his muscular arms across his chest. His sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, revealing dads many tattoos. My favorite is the one on his left inner forearm of a goddess that looks vaguely like mom. Its so beautiful. Dad notices me staring at his arms and sighs into a chuckle, "Dont tell me this is a talk about you wanting to get a tattoo, fiore mio. You're mom will hang me from the ceiling. By my toes."

We both laugh because we know mom would kill dad if i wanted to ink my skin. Although the thought about actually getting a tattoo wasn't a bad getting off topic here. Snap out of his Vivi.

"Dad i have a date tonight, and i just wanted you to know im going out. Its at the fair grounds and i thought i should tell you." I rush out so quickly im pretty sure most of the words were jumbled together.

Dad just glares at me, not moving an inch. The silence in here is causing me to panic. Did i just imagine me saying those words? Did he not hear me? Or maybe he did hear me and hes thinking of ways to ship me off to the next country- no scratch that, next planet. Ive always been a daddys girl, and when he wasn't around i was always stuck to Romero's side. They both care and love me unconditionally and the feeling is mutual, but sometimes they can be..well.. extremely over protective of me.

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