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Its been a little over a week that ive been in Vegas, and its been wonderful. Nic and i wanted our privacy as a couple, so he eventually took me to his penthouse on the strip. It looks over the many casinos and hotels. The bright lights and all the commotions from visitors reminds me alot of home. I haven't talked to anyone back home, only a few friends from class to make sure they can email all the note i might need.

Standing in front of the floor to ceiling windows of this extravagant penthouse, im in my black satin night gown that Nic says i look "absolutely delicious" in. Every time i put it on he throws me over his shoulder, takes me to his bed- well our bed now, and proceeds to eat me out until ive had a mind blowing orgasm. Since we've already done that, ive had to shower again after our two rounds of fiery sex before he rushed off to get us some take out. Peering down at the lively city, i drink my herbal tea wondering if my life will ever be as calm as the easy flow of patrons below me. Or maybe the chaos will always continue.

Hearing the door unlock, i make my way out of the bedroom and see Nic walking through the door with 3 take out bags slung around his tattooed arms. I set my cup down on the kitchens island and sit on a bar stool. I catch myself staring at his ink for what seems like the millionth time. When he settles the bags down, his voice breaks my train of thought, "Something heavy on your mind baby?"

I snapped my eyes up to his, and he was giving me that cunning smile he knows i cant resist. I jump down from the barstool, rounding the island i leap into his arms and slam my lips to his. He groans against my lips, but i pull back before he gets any ideas. I bite my lower lips before i say, "I want to get a tattoo."

Nic's eyebrows shoot up, "Really? Why?"

I lift a shoulder, "I dont know, guess im jealous of the many nameless pieces of art you have scattered on your body."

Nic chuckles and sets me down on the granite island counter. He plants his hands on either side of me, tilting his head slightly to the side as if to asses me. "What?" I say meeting his gaze.

He smiles, "What would get anyway?"

I bite my lower lip again, ive actually had a something in mind for a few days now. "I want to get a replica of your back piece. You know, with the snake and the rose? Only..." I look away, "I want the rose to be fully bloomed and lively but the snake is still spiraling the stem."

Nic nudges my chin so that im facing him again, "I think thats an amazing idea Vivi."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he straightens pushing his large body between my legs. His hands resting on my hips, "Where would you want to get it?" he asks almost concerning.

"My forearm." I say with absolute certainty, " I want to be able to see it everyday. And i want you to look at it and know that the eternal rose you're protecting is, and always will be yours."

"Oh, fuck baby." He rests his forehead on mine, "You have no idea how much that means to me." He presses his lips to my ear, "I have something i want to give you. Close your eyes and wait here."

I giggle as i shut my eyes. I hear some rummaging around, and i was getting a little nervous. "Nic?" I call out. When he didn't answer i was tempted to open my eyes, until i felt his strong hands on my thighs. I gasp but relax almost instantly. "You scared me." I say as i smile.

"You know i love you right Vivian?" My smile fades, and his voice sounds far away.

"Um, I love you to but..what is this about?" I try to feel for him, but he isn't in front of me anymore. I swallow hard, "N-Nic?"

"Open your eyes Angel."

I peel open my lids to him down on one knee, with a red velvet box in his hand. My heart rate skyrockets when it clicks in my head whats going on. I cover my a gaped mouth, tears stinging my eyes.

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