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Its been three months since ive seen Vivian. We haven't talked much, she barely texts me anymore and she isn't in school either. I guess she really meant that she wouldn't see me again. I cant help but think back to the day her brother forced her to push me away. As much as i admire her loyalty to her family, sometimes people need to grow up.

I was sitting in the living room of the apartment when Renzo came home, laughing and giggling with someone. I glanced toward the door and a red head girl stumbles in with him. Just one look at her and i knew who she was, "Anya." i nodded in their direction and took another gulp of my beer before i stood.

"I'll give you two some privacy." I grabbed my jacket and my keys, trying to squeeze passed them. Renzo grabs my arm, bringing my gaze to his.

"You dont have to go, we can all stay in order some food. A few beers and a movie?"

"Na man, you enjoy the alone time. I'll be back in a few hours." I gave him a rest assured smile before i slipped into the hallway. My mind was reeling with thoughts of Vivian. I dont know how many times ive passed by the driveway of her parents town house. All the times i tried to facetime her just to see her face, and when she didn't answer she gave me an excuse that she was busy.

Ive never experienced heart ache before, but this had to be something similar. I couldn't sleep more than 3 hours a night, and even when i went to class and she wasn't there a wave of nausea washed over me. I walked out and never went back. I found myself at am empty parking lot just on the other side of the Hudson. It was still cold out now that we were stuck at the end of winter and the begging of spring. I turned off the engine of my car and got out. Admiring the lights of the city that not only was supposed to be my escape from my life, but it was a place i fell in love.

My phone pinged, and i fished it out of my jacket. My brothers name flashed across the screen in a new text message.

Dario: How you doing little brother? Get your girl pregnant yet? lol

Me: Go suck a dick, what the fuck do you want.

Dario: Aw, im flattered, but im way too obsessed with pussy for that.

I scoffed, shaking my head. He was a pain in my ass sometimes. Before i had a chance to respond he texted again.

Dario: Where are you? Renzo said you weren't at the apartment when i went by.

Me: First off why the fuck are you still in the city and second why are you at my apartment?

Dario: Classic Niccolò, answering questions with a question. Very mature.

Me: Im blocking you.

Dario: Oh stop being a shit head, send me your location.

I sent him my location because i knew he would just get it anyway and show up. After about 20 minutes, reflection of headlights shown behind me and a red Audi pulled up next to mine. I shake my head, of course my brother gets the most flashy fucking car in town.

"Why are you sitting out in the cold like a fucking weirdo." Dario says as he blows into his hands striding over to me. Dario has lived in Vegas all his life, and it rarely ever gets cold over there. So seeing him in a wool trench coat and leather gloves is hilarious to me. He leans on the hood next to me, and i try my best to ignore him. Dario nudges me and i slant him a look.

"Come on, I have a feeling somethings up with you. Talk to me." He muttered.

I exhaled, staring down at my feet, "Vivian and i aren't speaking at the moment."

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