Vivian 🥀

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I startled awake and the room was completely dark. I didnt know where i was until i felt a strong arm wrapped around my middle. I turned my head to see a peaceful looking Nic sleeping behind me. I guess i was asleep hard enough to not feel him come to bed. I reached for my phone and the screen showed 3 am. I inwardly groaned, being that i grew up on the east coast, it was just past 5 am in New York. About the time Carla would wake me up saying she was hungry. I slowly removed myself from Nic's hold, swinging my legs over and standing. Nic didnt stir which surprised me because when i stayed at his apartment, every small move i made would wake him, even out of a deep sleep.

I slowly made my way to the door, opening it slowly hoping it doesnt creak. I squeezed my way through the crack i made and silently shut the door. When i turned, the corridor was dimly lit and i had to remember where the kitchen was. It was going to take some getting used to for my body too adjust. Being hungry at 3 am is not okay. Tip toeing down the stairs case, i turned to my right hearing whispered voices. I could only assume it was the direction of the kitchen because the faint sound of glass cups clinging together was any indication.

When i peered around the corner, i seen two figures looking in the fridge. I recognized the taller figure, that must have been Nic's younger sister, Viola. So i assume the smaller one must be Ramona, Nic's niece. I cleared my throat and thee girls gasped and whirled around in my direction. Ramona dropped what looked like a jug of frosting, chocolate covering her face while Viola had what looked like bowl of cereal with a jar of caramel sauce. I tilted my head, trying to figure out what they were trying to make,until i seen the open gallon of ice cream on the kitchen island. I smiled and stalked over to them, "Ice cream at 3 am, that sounds amazing." I said staring right at the vanilla and cookie dough goodness before me.

"Please dont tell my mom!" Ramona whisper yelled. She interlocked her hands together in a pleading motion, and Viola looked generally surprised to see me down here.

"I wont tell anyone. Mind getting me a spoon?" I smiled toward a pleading Ramona. She frantically nodded and fished out a spoon for me from  the drawer. "Thank you." I scooped the ice cream and slowly lifted it to my mouth when Viola slapped the spoon from my hand. I yelped and flinched away.

"It has peanuts in it." She informed me. Viola got out her phone and showed me the gallon that says, peanut butter and cookie dough ice cream. I guess in the dim light from the fridge it looked like vanilla. "Wow, thank you." Then i realized, i never told anyone about my allergy before, not even Nic. I gave her a quizzical look, "How did you know i was allergic to peanuts?"

She bit her lower lip and set down her cereal on the island. Ramona turned on the over head light to the kitchen island, only illuminating said spot around us, instead of the entire kitchen. Viola fidgeted with her fingers, chewing on her lip as if she had been scolded by be. I didnt mean to make her feel bad, i was just generally curious.

"Im not mad, i just wanted to know where you found it." I kept my tone soft and gentle, i didn't went her to be afraid of me. She peered up at me and that's when i seen the similarity to her brother, they had the same exact eyes.

"I-. Never mind." She took her bowl and headed to the sink.

"No wait, please. I dont mean to make you upset Viola. Im actually just curious. You know given my background." I chuckled nervously.

"When Dario said that Nicolo was bringing you here, i went to look you up. Of course i didnt find anything, but i found some of your medical records from when you were 8, and you went to the ER for a swelling and severe hives. And so when i seen you about to eat the ice cream-." She trailed off looking at the now melting ice cream. I nodded and slipped the top back on and placed it in the freezer.

Turning to the cautious girls, i smiles again, "Thank you for looking out for me."

"No problem." Viola shrugged.

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