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2 days after my apparent drugging after going out with Remo and his friends, dad and Uncle Ale had kept me in their sights. Today i was in New Jersey with Ale's wife, Stella and my cousins Christian and Adriana. We were having lunch and then dress shopping for the engagement party next month. My memory is still foggy about that night at the club, but apparently Romero picked me up and i fell asleep in his bed. Im shocked my dad let him live. No man is allowed to touch me, even if he is my future fiancée. Although, I would have liked to kiss Romero. Especially after that beautiful song he played on the piano.

Stella regarded me as i picked at my salad, i wasnt very hungry these days. Dad has pretty much grounded me from doing anything fun. I cant even see my girl-friends, unless they come to my house where my body guards and dad and keep an eye on me. It's not fair! Im 18 i should be able to do whatever i want. I graduated school top of my class, and i dont want to go to college yet. If at all, if im being honest. Even while getting good grades, school was never for me. I like designing stuff, but i dont want to go through the whole , "You must get a degree to get a job" bullshit.

I sighed, as i stabbed my cherry tomato.

"Is everything okay Gemma?" Stella chuckled, "Im pretty sure that tomato was innocent." She gave me a wary smile. She is so beautiful, it's amazing that no one else besides uncle Ale dated her. According to Christian, uncle Ale is very possessive over Stella. I dont see what that has to do with his love for her. Any man should want to protect their wife or girlfriend. I dont think it has anything to do with possessiveness.

"Yeah im fine..just so bored. I mean dont get me wrong, im glad we could hang out and go shopping, but i wish there was so much more to do." I turned to my body guards, before i leaned over the table at Stella, "Between you and me, tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb are really getting on my nerves."

She chuckled as she set down her napkin. She rose from her chair reaching out to take my plate, "Come with me to the kitchen."

I gave her a bemused look as i stood. She pointedly looked toward my guards and back to me before she nodded to the kitchen. Like they were tied to strings on my feet, my body guards began to follow us. "She'll be fine, we'll just be in the kitchen. Stay here and watch the children." Stella said pointedly. Giving each other a look, the nodded, "Yes Mrs. Marino." Sebastian said before closing the door leading to the kitchen. I exhaled as if i was holding in my breath the entire time at lunch. Stella sets down the plates on the counter and shoos her maids out.

"Wanna tell me what's going on?" Stella leaned against the counter with her arms crossed. Her huge diamond ring from her second wedding glistening in the light was giving me envy.

"Why would there be something wrong?" I said picking at my finger nails.

She arched a pretty dark blonde brow, "Gemma I've known you since you were a baby. I know when you're lying or when something is on your mind. You know you can talk to me and i wont judge you. You should know this." She gave me a reassuring smile. Of course she wouldnt be the person to judge, she ran away with my uncle and got married in Italy, and then got pregnant with my cousin Christian. If anything, i admire her for choosing love over anything. But i guess my fear is, will i ever fall for Romero? We dont even know each other like we used to. We arent teenagers anymore.

"How did you know you were in love with uncle Ale? I mean my Aunt Rebecca was married to a captain for 3 years before they fell in love, and my aunt Serafina is engaged to an underboss in Maryland and they absolutely can't stand each other. What if Romero and I will be like that?" Fear and something else formed in the pit of my stomach. Where as Romero was extremely handsome, and other than us knowing each other all our lives, i dont really remember much about Romero. He's so different these days.

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