Romero 🔪

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I startled myself awake when I felt something tickling my nose. My arms still wrapped around Gemma, i buried my face into her neck taking in her beautiful scent. She wriggled her ass against me and i groan in her ear, "Careful bella, there are some things i cant control." I whispered.

"Then you should probably get away from me then." She murmured, wriggling again. I squeezed her tighter against me, and i nipped her neck. She giggled, which caused Carla to stir in her sleep. The poor girls face was scrunched. I took a look at the clock on the nightstand. It was 8:30.

Fuck..the medication.

"I have to make a phone call." I got up quickly, stalking toward the door.

"Will you come back?" Gemma says sitting up in bed. Glancing over my shoulder, my eyes met her and i strode back, crashing my lips to hers. "I'm not going anywhere Gemma."

I stalked out of the room and toward my study. I made a quick call to Gio, his house was the closet to the hospital we were at last night. He answered on the 3rd ring.

"Yes Romero, what is it?"

"I need you to do something for me. Its important."

There was shuffling coming from the other side before he spoke again, "Tell me, does it have anything to do with you leaving your wedding early with my daughter last night? I must say, my wife and I were quite upset about not being able to say goodnight to our daughter."

I groaned inwardly and pinched the bridge of my nose, I had totally forgotten that i didn't involve Gio in this situation. "Look, i will explain everything when you get here. I need you to go to Gerard Memorial and pick up some medication. Tell whoever is working there its for Romero Russo. They will remember."

More silence, "Romero, if im picking up birth control for my daughter, i swear to god-."

"Its not for Gemma, Gio. Fuck, just do as i say..please."

"I'll be there in an hour."

The line went dead, and i sank down to my chair with a huff. A soft knock came to the door and Gemma popped her head in. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just sent someone to get the medication right now. I have to shower and meet my father in an hour. Will you be okay here?"

She nodded, standing in the doorway nervous. I tilted my head to the side, trying to read her face. "What it is Gemma?" My tone was soft, but she still wouldn't look at me. I rose from my chair and was in front of her in two strides. I tilted her head up by her chin and her doe eyes met mine. Fuck, just that look alone had my dick hardening. I had to stifle a groan and sate myself before i pinned her against the door and fucked her. My meeting with my father be damned.

"When will we be able to talk about last night?"

I searched her serene colored eyes, and fuck me she was an angel. "Tonight, i promise. I'll bring dinner home." I smirked, "Is chicken and spinach Alfredo from Roscoe's still your favorite?"

She smiled, pressing herself against me, "Yes its still my favorite."


I slowly leaned down, brushing my lips over hers when the phone rings. I growled, my lips curling at the timing. "What is it im busy."

"Dad wants you at the club right now. Says its urgent." Aurelio said. His tone wasn't his usually snark, so it must be something bad.

"Give me 15 minutes, i have to shower." I hung up, "I have to get going."

"Oh." She shifted her gaze to the floor. I lifted her gaze to mine again and without warning, i pressed my lips to hers for a lustful kiss. I palmed the back of her neck keeping her as close as possible. Her hands rested on my chest before she snaked her arms around my neck deepening the kiss. Gemma rose to her tip toes and I hoisted her up by her waist, and she wrapped her legs around my middle. I pressed her up against the wall, my hands grabbing her firm ass.

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