Gemma 👄

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The next morning, i stepped into the kitchen where Romero was sitting, drinking a mug of coffee. Last nights conversation still echoing in my head. I meant what i said, I dont trust him. But he is my husband, it is my duty to stay in this house, but that wont stop me from sleeping in separate rooms.

" .....Because if she leaves, im going with her..and theres no way you can stop me."

The last of my words came into my mind like a bullet whizzing by. I poured myself a cup of coffee, the silence filling the room, safe for the birds chirping outside the open French doors.

"Is Carla up yet? I shouldn't be late for work today.." He said not even looking up from his phone.

I rolled my eyes, "Ill have Valerio and Matteo help me. She had a rough night last night. The pain was becoming unbearable for her."

Romero stilled, his mug not reaching his lips until he took a final sip and set it down. He went over to the sink and rinsed his cup out and placed it in the dishwasher. Pocketing his phone and grabbing his keys, he turns to me kissing me on the cheek and leaves without another word.

I shake my head, softly setting down my mug to the granite counter top. Just as Romero left, Matteo and Valerio come through the kitchen. "Good morning Gemma." Matteo said. I looked up and smiled.

"Are you guys hungry? I have to make some breakfast for Carla soon."

"We ate before coming ma'am, but thank you." Matteo swiftly made his way through the French doors and took out his cell. Valerio sat down at the kitchen island, eying the coffee pot. I glanced over my shoulder, before i turned and poured him a mug and set it down on front of him.

His dark brown eyes peered at me in surprise. I smiled, nodding toward the mug, "Enjoy the coffee Valerio." I grabbed my mug and headed toward the living room.

"Thank you gemma." A deep but soft voice sounded, stopping me in my tracks. I whirled around and Valerio was already sipping on his coffee. That was the first time ive heard his voice and it warmed my broken heart.


The week dragged on. Romero and Matteo had to go to Pennsylvania in search for the missing Social Worker, but according to Valerio they haven't found her yet. Valerio has been talking to me more and more these days. He doesn't say much, a good morning here, thank you there, and hes really good with Carla. She said she found him very cute.

I also looked up courses for me to take for interior designs, and found only two i can take online. One requires taking business classes as well as one semester of accounting and bookkeeping if i wanted to start my own business. I closed my laptop and shoved it away. It was close to 5 oclock and Carla was out like a light. The pain she was enduring was keeping her, and me, up most nights.

The front door opens and closes, then Romero appears, looking exhausted. I wanted so much to run over there and ask him how his day was and that if a quickie in his office would make it better. But i was still furious with him.

He took a quick glance at me and strode away, probably toward his study, like he has been doing every night since he got back. Matteo and Valerio left a while ago, some emergency with Luca. I couldn't very well leave Carla out here alone while i made dinner, so i chanced a quick peek into his office.


He didn't look up from his laptop, i know he heard me. Burying my annoyance, i walk inside and stand on the opposite side of his desk.

"Can you sit with Carla while i get some dinner started? Shes going to wake up soon and i cant just leave her alone in the living room in case something happens." He looked up at me, almost annoyed. I had to stifle my own annoyance, "I promise you can come back to your cave when im done."

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