Gemma 👄

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Romero picked me up around the same time every morning for the passed 2 weeks. When Carla showed up in our lives that night, my heart had broken for the little girl. She was all alone, hoping her mom would come back to find her. When we talked to her, or in Romeros words, interrogated her-, she talked so easily. No hesitation. Luca and Romero are still wary of her, but i think she is the cutest little girl. And shes incredibly smart.

"Carla needs to see a doctor." Romero said, his eyes hadn't left the road. He hasn't been as close has he was before all this mess and i cant tell whether its because of Carla, or that I practically made him take in a strange kid of his families rival.

"Is she sick?" I asked, my anxiety sparking. As he pulled into the long driveway and parks, he sighs harshly and turns to me. "We have to give her to the state, maybe she can find a foster family to live with. She isn't family Gemma, nor is she just some kid from any of my fathers soldiers either. She is the daughter of a infamous drug dealer that tried to kill my dad 20 years ago."

I gave him an indignant look, "What are you saying." Tears stung the backs of my eyes. He just give up like that? On this little girl who knows no one but us?

"I'm saying, that we take her to the doctor, get her checked out and then take her to the agency. She needs a better life." He gets out of the car. For him this conversation was done, but i was far from done. I quickly get out, rushing after him. I grab his arm stopping him right before the front door.

"So you'd just throw her to the system and move on with your life? Its that easy for you?!" I shout. Ive never been this upset with anyone in my life. He narrowed his eyes on my hand gripping his arm, then flitting back to my angry twisted face.

"You dont even know the girl, nor do you owe her any time of your life, Gemma. If you want a child, i will give you one after we get married, but I am not responsible for this child."

"You dont have to be, i will do it myself. I will not go with you to take her to some agency to just drop her off like shes some bag of trash."

Romero gripped my wrist of the hand that was squeezing his arm. His grip was so tight it made me wince and i let go. When he didn't, my heart picked up. He slowly lowered his face to mine, "Listen and listen good Gemma. There is only so much I will tolerate from you. I will not hurt you, and in most cases i would do anything you asked of me. But this," he nods toward his parents home, "This isn't who we are. And you will understand that as my future wife, my word is going to be law as soon as you say i do. So you will, accompany me to the doctors office and you will go to the agency. Is that understood?"

My lips parted in shock in realization. I do not know this man standing in front of me. And what makes it worse? I slept with him before i knew his true colors. The front door opens, Carla and Sarah are standing there. Mrs. Russo has a worried looked on her face, while Carla tries to assess the situation. My gaze found her, and the tears filled my eyes but didn't dare fall.

Looking back at Romero, I wretched my wrist from his grip. Getting on my tip toes to match his gaze, "Fine." was all i said before i brushed past him, purposely shoving my shoulder into his arm. I plastered on a smile as i reached Carla and Sarah, pretending that what Romero just told me was a crazy dream.


After seeing the doctor, she reassured us that Carla was healthy given her situation. My body slacked with the good news, but i didn't smile. The next part would be the hardest thing i would ever have to do.

Walking into the agency, Romero went to talk to some lady in a nice suit as i stood with Carla hand in hand.

"Gemma, what is this place?" Carla asked, her blue eyes wondering around the buildings lobby. I bit my lip trying to fight back the ache in my chest. I didn't have time to respond when the lady in the suit and another older woman with a clip board arrived in front of us. My stomach twisted into a tight knot and my grip on Carla's hand tightened.

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