Vivian 🥀

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  2 and a half years ago...

"Vivi are you sure you dont want me to stay?" Romero asked, again. Today was my first day back at school in the spring semester.

"Yes brother, I'll be okay. Spring semester is only 3 months long until the end of the year. I will call you if i get overwhelmed. Now please, go. Gemma must be waiting."

He nods and kisses me on the cheek and jogs toward his car. I knew i had a bodyguard watching me from afar, I had told my dad i wanted them as far away as possible because the extra attention on me from others brings me anxiety. I get to my economics class and professor Martinez greets me with a huge smile.

"Oh, Vivi! It's so nice to see you again. Are you ready for spring semester?" She immediately opens her arms to me waiting for a hug. At first i was a bit uncomfortable, since such affection from strangers makes me hyperventilate. But since being in her class for 2 years, we've become particularly close. Even mom has lunch with her from time to time. When i fall into her hug, and pull away i nod with a welcoming smile. This semester was shorter for me than other students due to the fact that i worked hard and faster than most. So im graduating early.

I always loved the aspect of power, but hated the public involvement. I admire my brother, Romero, for that aspect because hes more of a people person than i am. And by people person, i mean, he tortures and interrogates enemies with zero emotion or remorse. Although not always showing me his unnatural side, hes never once scared me. But i will be by his side when he becomes capo. More of an advisor, a step down from a consigliere, that is reserved for our cousin Junior. If he so wants the job, but i have a feeling that Aurelio, our younger brother would be more of a fit than Junior. He's likes me, likes the behind the scenes than the spot light. And like my brother, Aurelio and Remo LOVE the spotlight.

"I cant wait for you to meet your new partner this semester for advance debate." She glances behind me as the door to the classroom creaks open, echoing off the walls. "Ah there he is.."


"Nicolo, please come and meet my dear Vivian." She says with a huge smile.

Turning in his direction, im met with a tall, tan and beautiful man. His yellow brown eyes, much like a wolf, stare into mine as he makes his way down the aisle of the many seats in this room. His black hair is short, but just long enough to run my fingers through..wait. What am i saying? My fingers?

When he stops just a few feet from me and Professor Martinez, i stilled. I slightly craned my neck to keep my eyes on his beautiful yet dark features. He's got to be about 6'4. I only know because my brother is probably an inch shorter. But this mans broad shoulders, but shockingly polite smile, took all the air from my lungs and he reached over to shake my hand.

"Im Nicolo, you must be Vivian?" He asked. His voice is so low it rumbles through my entire body like thunder. I take his hand after an embarrassingly long moment and shake it firmly. Not taking my eyes off him, i nod, "I prefer Vivi."

He tilts his head, as if taking in my name suggestion. Only Romero, my parents and occasionally Anya, call me Vivian. He smiled tightly and gave me a terse nod, "Vivi." He replied slowly. The way my name fell from his lips made my breath catch in my throat. I've been surrounded by boys, men, all my life because most of my cousins were boys. And they all were our own personal body guards. Romero and Aiden never really watching over us, but Aurelio, Remo, and Junior were like our shadows when Anya, Heather and I would go out for a late dinner or sneak away to a club. I was never really about going out to clubs to get drunk or party. Mostly to feel the atmosphere, checking my surroundings for deals that go unnoticed, exchanging of possible threats or drugs. Stuff like that. But i have never been nervous. Not once, but in his presence, i feel like i cant breathe.

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