Nic 🥊

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After we boarded the private jet, Vivian was instantly nervous. She kept looking out the window from her seat, just staring down the strip. "We dont have to go Angel, we can always just bunker down somewhere, where your family cant find us."

She turned in her seat, "My family is New York, "She looks to me with a smile, "I just want to get away Nic. I've had enough of people trying to control my life."

Intertwining our fingers, i kiss her temple and she snuggles into me. "I will protect you Vivi, no ones going to put you in harms way as long as im alive."

She nods her head against my shoulder and i smile a little. When my brother comes jogging up the steps, looking a little too happy. "Alright, everything's good to go. Father knows you're coming back by the way." He sank down to his chair across from us, making himself comfortable.

Glaring in his direction, he just shrugs his shoulders, "Dario what the fuck?"

Dario just waves me off, settling back in his seat, "I didnt tell him about your girlfriend Nicolo, she isnt my responsibility."

Rolling my eyes the plane starts to taxi, and Vivi's grip on my arm tighten then something warm and wet hits my sleeve. I lifted her chin to look at me and she was crying, "Vivian.."

She just shook her head and looked down. I hugged her tight to me and let her cry. Her sobs had made my heart ache for her, but i knew i could make her happy being with me.

About an hour into the flight, Vivian had fallen asleep. Her face still had the look of despair on it, i wanted to help her as much as i could but what could i do? I brushed her hair from her face, placing a blanket on top of her. I noticed my brother sitting in the dining part of the jet and decided to join him. As i stalk into the dining area, he was nursing a glass of whiskey, staring into his phone. I sank down across from him with a sigh.

"Stressed already? You havent even made it to the year mark yet." Dario says taking a sip, but not looking up from his phone.

"Ha ha. Im not stressed fuck face, im worried." I turned to the flight attendant to give me a glass of whatever my brother was drinking. Dario eyed me over his glass and shook his head and smiled before setting down his glass. When i finally got my drink, and we were left alone my brother decided to open his mouth.

"What is there to be worried about?" Dario locked his phone and settled back in his seat resting his ankle over his knee. "She is upset she left hr family, but she wants to be with me. She said so herself, but what if she changes her mind?" Resting my glass on the table, letting the liquor burn on the way down, i stared at the brown liquid swirling around.

"She wont, if she really loves you? She'll understand the choice she made. If shes anything like me, it wont take her long."

"What do you mean if shes anything like you. She's nothing like you, far from it." Downing the rest of my drink, i stood abruptly, and Dario's gaze never left mine. "Sit little brother, no ones trying to make comparisons." I eyed him for a heartbeat before sitting back down into my seat.

"All i meant was that she made the decision to be with you, she practically flying across nearly half the nation for you. It's okay for her to be a bit upset, especially if shes never been away from her family."

Exhaling sharply i nodded, "Yeah, maybe you're right."

"Wanna say that again? I wasn't recording."

Giving him the middle finger, i get up from my seat and make my way back to Vivian. She still hasn't waken up yet, so i settled beside her. Soon after my eye lids shut and i drifted off to sleep.

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