Nic 🥊

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I show up around eight o'clock to the Russo family mansion. This place is so huge that it could probably fit at least six families. Vivi told me not to come, as well as Renzo. He advised me not to, but clearly I've lost my fucking mind over this woman. We haven't even so much as kissed yet and she is always on my mind and all I think about is her.

  Walking into the mansions main hall, alot of important people are here. The mayor of New York City, Capos all over the east coast as well as a few underbosses. I wonder if my future engagement party will be this absolutely ridiculous. Everyone is mingling, a few servers kept bugging me about what i wanted to drink and if i wanted fucking shrimp puffs. After ordering a whiskey, i waved them off. I searched the room, looking for the woman i traveled 2 hours for. When i think i spot her, i freeze. An older woman that looks vaguely of the person im looking for, is standing next to Luca fucking Russo. That must be Sarah Russo, Vivian looks so much like her. All of the soft features, from the green eyes to the bright smile. Only difference is Vivian has darken curls, where Sarah's is brown, almost blonde.

There a few other people standing around them, I only recognize Ricardo and Veronica Russo. The strangers on their arms must be their spouses. The Russo twins and Luca are the three most notorious siblings on this side of the country, while my siblings and i are notorious on the west side. They stand in a half circle talking to another family who i assume are the parents and siblings of Romero's fiancée. Gotta admit she is beautiful, and she would usually be my type, but the woman i want to get my hands on is no where to be found.

Just as i see the waiter coming in my direction with my drink, I sense a presence behind me. "What are you doing here?" The familiar voice makes a smile grow on my face. I turn to find Vivi in a floor length silk dress, accentuating her delicious curves and her perky breasts. Her hair is pulled to the side, flowing both down her back and over her shoulder, exposing her beautiful neck. Overall she looks fucking gorgeous.

"I told you earlier that I'd see you tonight. Did you not believe me?" I grin.

She grabs my hand and pulls me into the garden through the French doors of the kitchen. Not a soul is out here right now, since they are waiting for the newly engaged couple to make an appearance. The soft glow of the twinkling lights above us, radiates her pearlescent skin just perfectly. I pull her against me and she yelps and her eyes grow wide.

"Nic, you shouldn't be here. My brother will skin you alive if he see's you with your hands on me." Vivian says. Her hands are splayed out across my chest as she pushes away from me.

"He can try, besides your brother doesn't know who i am. I just want to see you. Going from seeing you everyday at school, to just a few FaceTime calls here and there, its killing me Angel."

"Why do you want to see me so badly?" She looks down between us, letting out sigh, "It's not like we kissed or anything." She whispered. I lifted her chin with my index and middle finger until she was staring up at me with those innocent green eyes. Conflict shown in those emerald globes, as if she was fighting something.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours Vivian.." I used my free hand to brush a stray strand of hair away from her face, then i cup her cheek and she leans into my touch closing her eyes.

"Can you let me go please?" Slowly opening her eyes, she gives me a pleading look, "I would like to walk in the garden. Maybe we can talk for a little?"

She turns to walk further into the garden and i follow in step behind her. We walked in silence and the further we got from the mansion, all the laughter and music slowly fades away in the darkness of the night. She stopped at a marble bench facing a Greek fountain, the water gently flowing down. She sits down, the slit in her gown falling away from her thigh and exposing it for everyone to see. I inwardly groan in disapproval and shove my hands in my pockets, trying my best to keep my expression neutral. The fact anyone could walk by and see her like this gets under my skin. She looks up at me and pats the empty space next to her, a silent invitation to join her. I sink down next to her with no hesitation. I reach my hand over to her leg and she stiffens.

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