Romero 🔪

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That night i was sitting at my desk working on some last minute reports my father had me look over for some gun shipment we have coming in next week. It was a little past midnight and my eyes were burning from looking at this computer screen. My phone vibrates with a notification from my brother. I groan inwardly hoping i dont need to bail them out again. I already went to bat for him with dad earlier even though dad knows fully well of their "activities".

Aurelio: Seems like your future fiancée wanted to join the fun tonight brother.

He sends me a picture of Gemma on the dance floor at one of our night clubs. Some guy has his hands on her waist and it immediately makes me want to tear him into tiny pieces. I rose from my desk grabbed my jacket and stalked out of my room. I stormed passed Vivi's room, and her door creaked open.

"Romero?" Her sweet voice filled my ears. I stopped abruptly, turned and seen my twin sister in her satin robe. "Where are you going it's late." Concern laced her tone. I strode back to her, kissing her forehead, "Go back to bed, i just need to take care of a few things before i go to bed."

"It's it Aurelio again?"

I let out a sigh, "Don't worry so much. Now go back to bed." I nodded toward her bedroom. She gave me a small smile before going back to her room. Once it closed with a soft click i rushed down the corridor. I took the keys to dad's Aston Martin, i would deal with this consequence later. When the engine roared i backed out of the driveway and sped down the streets. If im right, they'll be inside La Regina. My father's busiest and most popular club in the city.

Once i pulled up outside, i got out of the car and b lined straight to the entrance. As usual there was a line outside, and as soon as the bouncer saw who i was, he let me by. I walked inside to loud music and everyone gyrating against each other. I searched the club, looking for light brown hair and a beautiful smile.

"You're really cute, wanna grab a drink." Some girl, clearly drunk came up to me. I waved to the bartender, "Bring me a water and stop serving her drinks, do you understand?" He nodded and dropped a bottle water on the counter. I grabbed the bottle and handed it to her, "Drink this and call a cab." I walked past her further into the club.

I found my brother and his entourage, meaning our cousins Junior and Remo. I grabbed Aurelio by the shoulder and spun him around, he was dancing with some girl i had no interest in knowing. "Where is she?" I shouted over the music.

"I dont know what you're talking about." He replied with a smile. I grabbed him by the arm and shoved him through the crowd toward the VIP section. Remo and Junior followed.

"What the fuck is your problem, let me go." He tried shrugging out of grip but i only tightened it. I shoved him into the wall in the hallway between the main room and the vip lounge. "Tell me where the fuck she is, Aurelio."

He gave me a shark grin, he reminded me a lot like uncle Ricardo in this situation and i wanted nothing more than to shove my fist into his face. I pin him into the wall, he almost has to crane his neck at me. Given im our father's height, im not surprised.

"If you dont tell me where the fuck Gemma is right now, im going to lose my patience with you."

"She went upstairs to the private lounge areas. That was over 20 minutes ago, now get the fuck off me."

I let go of him, shoving my finger in his chest, "If anything's happened to her tonight Aurelio, I will make your life a living hell, understand me?"

He gave me a jerky nod before i took the stair case two at a time leading up to the private lounges. I know what goes on in these booths, usually just customers groping on each other before they get too horny enough to leave with each other. Usually just high rollers or billionaires cheating on their wives. I heard a soft giggle coming to my left, and when i pulled open the curtain, Gemma was laying on her back with the same guy i seen her dancing with in the picture.

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