Epilogue, Nic 🥊

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After waiting until Vivian fell asleep its 6 am, and as much as i fucking hate this god damned tradition, i knew it meant a lot to her and my mom that i couldnt start her wedding day off with a bad start. I carefully lay her on the pillow, placing a kiss on her forehead, "I cant wait to make you my wife today angel." I whisper against her head. I quietly left her room, closing the door with a soft click. I turned around and found a group of women. Here i am shirtless, my pants undone and my and Vivian's family scowling at me.

"She's-she's still asleep." I said clearing my throat.

"Hmm." Viola and Anya say in unison.

"You're father is looking for you Nicolo, go on shoo." My mom says pushing me down the hallway, "Oh and so is Luca!" Sarah yells and i stiffened. Great, my future father in law is looking for me and im pretty sure i know why.

After getting into my wing, all the men were in the kitchen sipping on coffee and cappuccinos. The ones hungover how ever are nursing a water bottle and popping ibuprofen like candy. Me, i have a slight headache but after making love to my wife- well future wife as of 6 hours and counting.

My dad and Luca were at the kitchen island. I cleared my throat and all eyes were on me. Alessandro on the couch snorts and lies back on the couch, Romero glowers at me, Aurelio is too busy rubbing his temples to give a shit. Renzo who is sitting at the dining table, tapping away on his phone as if he didnt drink nearly an entire bottle of vodka last night.

"Where were you last night Nicolo." My dad says without looking at me. Carmine walks through the wide door with multiple tuxedo bags and stops in his tracks, reading the room. He wasnt allowed to drink last night because he was the one in charge of the suits. Dario on the other hand is slowly descending the stairs, not wearing a shirt as well. Guess im not the only one that got some last night, his wife showed up in the middle of the party last night and he disappeared at once.

" I was with my wife." I stead, shoving my hands in my pockets. Im a grown man, if i want to fuck my fiancée i will fuck my god damn fiancée. Luca on the other hand, didnt like that.

"You were with my daughter last night?" Luca says in a calm voice as he sets down his coffee mug. Alessandro and Romero sit straighter, waiting for something to happen.

"Oh come on dad, if Nic wants to be with his woman let him. I dont want to deal with anyone's shit right now." Aurelio whined as he headed to the fridge. Luca eyes his youngest son with an emotionless glare. I walk around the island and pour myself some coffee. Turning to face the two Capo's, who not only are the most powerful but also my father and future father in law, i lean up against the counter sipping on my coffee and staring at them nonchalantly. My father is giving the 'dont do this today son', while Luca is giving me his best glare the 'I will skin you alive and bbq your body.'

"Look, i was drunk and i went to see Vivian. She took care of me and i fell asleep that all. I shouldnt have to explain why i was with my future wife okay?" Setting down my mug, Luca gets up from his seat and rounds the island. Everyone, but me of course, sits straighter, even my father is looking at Luca with a wary look. He stops in front of me, and his cold gray eyes bore into mine.

We stand there just glaring at eachother, until he smiles and claps me on the shoulder, "I understand what you mean son, I didnt keep my hands off my wife either." Aurelio groans and Romero's lips frown in disgust at their father's admission. Alessandro and my brother start to laugh, Carmine goes to sit next to Renzo shaking their heads. "Just try not to make it a habit when im around got it?" I nod and he goes to head out of the wing, "Where are you going now dad?" Romero calls out.

Luca turns, "The tradition was for Nicolo and Vivian, not me." And then hes gone. The room is quiet before Dario clears his throat and heads back up stairs to his wife, Romero swiftly leaves the room after his father along with Alessandro. Even my own father leaves in search of my mom im sure. I shake my head and laugh.

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