Romero 🔪

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"Im pregnant." Gemma says tonelessly.

My heart starts to beat erratically. I always wanted to give Gemma babies, but with everything going on with Carla's leg, Yohan and now Helen from the agency, im terrified.

"A-are you sure?" I stammered.

Gemma slowly walked toward me, grabbing my hand and placing the plastic stick in my hand. Two pink lines showed up in the results window and the indication says two line means pregnant. I turn up at Gemma, she looks just as uneasy as i am.

"What are we going to do Romero." Her voice cracks, as her eyes filled with tears. I never wanted this for her. I wanted her to be happy with tears, not upset and scared. I pulled her against me, holding her tight as i rubbed her bad. She sobbed into my neck.

"I guess ill just have to up the security." I muttered. She immediately pulled back, "You're not mad?" She sniffled.

"Why would i be mad when we both played a part in this. I told you once before that i would give you babies. We have one already, whats another?"

Her hand touches my cheek, her thumb rubbing against it, "You consider Carla yours?" Gemma gave me a sad smile.

"From the moment I told you i wanted her to stay, she became mine, just like the day i told you i do and you also became mine." I pulled her flush against my chest, "I will do everything in my power to protect you, Carla," I peered down, placing my hand on her still flat tummy, "And our new baby. You 3 are my world now. Nothing is going to ruin that. I promise you."

"I love you.." She whispered then caught herself as if the words were meant to stay in her mind. She looked down at her hands as she pulled away. I tilted her head up by her chin, "I know ive done everything for you to be hesitant about loving me. And i dont blame you for not saying those words to me until you were ready. But when i tell you 'I love you', I mean it. I will prove to you everyday until the day i die how much i love you Gemma. I will show all of you." I kiss her lips, tasting the saltiness of her tears.

"Just, dont die anytime soon okay?" She muttered. We both laughed and she rested her forehead to mine, "I'll try my best, vita mia."


By the time Friday rolls around, Gemma is already exhausted from commanding everyone around our townhouse, telling us where the decorations need to go, how they need to look. She'd make a great Capo if she wasn't so...well Gemma."

"No no, Rosa the cake goes in the kitchen so it doesn't melt. Ugh."

Gemma's younger sister rolls her eyes, and sets the cake on the counter. Ever since Gemma and i found out she was pregnant with my child, we decided to wait til today to tell everyone. Of course we told Carla the morning after we found out and she was beyond excited for us. That little girl, even though not my blood, she lights up my world along side the woman i am currently fawning over right now.

"Romero," Aiden says as he slaps my shoulder handing me a beer. "You look like you could use this."

"You know i dont drink beer Aiden." I set the bottle down on the table, and shoved my hand back into my jeans pocket. Gemma had persuaded me to dress casual today, and i do have to say her mouth was very convincing.

"So," Aiden says after swallowing a gulp of beer, "How's married life. Seems like you're head over heels already. Its only been 2 months bro."

It may be only two months, but it feels like years already. We've been through so much together in the last two months than normal couples deal with in years of marriage.

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