Vivian 🥀

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"Vivian? What are you doing here? How did you even get here this late?" Nic glares at me as he pulls me inside. He checks the hallway before closing the door and inspects me, probably to see if i was in any trouble before coming here.

"Nic, im fine. And to answer your series of questions, I wanted to see you and i took a taxi once i snuck out of my house. With Romero out of town again, there is no one constantly check in on me."

He stares at me with both concern and amusement. He warps me in a hug, tightly, but i hugged his middle taking in his familiar scent. Pulling back i peer up at him, and without any further words i get on my tiptoes and gently press my lips to his. Nic presses into the kiss more firmly and i reach up to wrap my arms around the back of his neck. He bends down curling his hands around the back of my thighs and lifts me up. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. My pajama shorts ride up and expose my ass just a bit.

Nic plunges his tongue into my mouth and i moan, grinding my hips against his abs. He groans before he pulls back, "I dont want to move too fast for you Vivi. As much as i love kissing you, let's slow down a bit."

I looked at him with disbelief, "Do you not want me?" I choked out. Stupid emotions, I swear it's like i got like 95% of the emotions while Romero has little to none whatsoever, it's not fair. Nic lifts my chin so that im looking into his eyes, his brows pinch into an upside down V, "Oh Angel, you have no idea how much i want you."

Hiding my face into the crook of his neck i softly say, "Then take me, i dont want to be with anyone else but you Nic." Kissing his neck, along the many dark tattoos splayed across his skin, he groans and his body stiffens. His hands grip firmly around my ass and he murmurs, "You, my needy little Angel, are going to kill me one day."

I shudder against him, "Never." I whisper back before his crash my lips against his again. We kisses for a moment until he starts to stride toward the direction where i assume his room might be. He kicks the door closed behind him and sets me down on my feet. I take in the sight of his room and im in awe at house normal it looks. A flat screen on the wall at the foot of his bed, a small desk in the corner with his book bag draped over the top of it. His bed in the opposite corner of the room, and surprisingly made.

"Your room is the most organized room I've ever seen." I smile. His expression darkens and he raises a brow as he slowly makes his way toward me.

"Whose other rooms have you seen that mine tops the most organized." He stops just a few inches from me. I crane my neck, giving him a big smile. I know hes a jealous person and also very possessive as well.

"Just my brothers, Anya's and Heathers. They may seem organized in public, but their rooms arent." I realize im talking too much when he rubs hissing thumb over my lips.

"So no others guys then hmm?" He asked. I slowly shake my head and he pulls my hoodie up and over my head. After my wild hair covers my face, we both giggle and chuckle was he fixing my hair out of my face. When i can finally see him again, he sobers, "Good, because the only room you're going to see is mine and mine only."

I yelp as he hoists me up as if i weigh nothing. He carries me to the bed and gently lays me down. Nic's body is so broad compared to my small frame, that when he pushes himself between my legs, they widen so far it's hard to keep my legs around him.

Nic slams his lips on mine and kisses me with such passion it leaves me breathless. My mind wonders to how many other women hes made feel the same way hes making me right now. But when his lips trail from my lips to my jaw and down my neck, my body heats.

"Tell me Angel," He said between kisses, "What was i doing in that dream of yours?"

My eyes shoot open and my cheeks heat, "M-My dream? You remember that?" I stammer. He stops kissing me and i look up at him. I stare into his wolfish eyes, the yellow overpowering the light brown. The weight under his intense gaze, makes my mind hazy.

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