Nic 🥊

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I woke up with the scent of Vanilla and floral around me. A warm body tucked into my side, and i flutter my eyes open. I look down to find Vivian sleeping peacefully in the crook of my arm. The sun beaming across her face, making her skin glow like the Angel she is. The sheet only covers half of her magnificent body. I absentmindedly run my fingers up and down the smooth skin of her arm when a phone vibrates. I can only think its hers since mine is on DND.

"Baby, get up." I whisper as i rub her cheek with my thumb. She stirs and wraps her arm around my middle and doesn't move. When her phone stops vibrating, i reach over and see that it was a missed call from Romero. I stifle the urge to roll my eyes. Setting her phone back down and checking the time, its 930 am, we've both class tomorrow, but as for today shes all mine.

I place a gentle kiss to her pouty lips, and she kisses back. I chuckle low in my chest and pull away, "You little tease, why didn't you wake up when i tried a few minutes ago."

She lets out a sexy groan and her lids slowly open, "I didn't feel like getting up. Im too comfortable." 

  Squeezing her ass, she squeaks and hides her face into my chest, "You're brother called you, are you sure im not going to find him on my doorstep of you dont call him back?"

"Oh, i should probably call him back." she mutters. Vivian turns over, her back facing me and the sheet nearly falls off her body. Her perky little ass making an appearance from under the sheets and i move myself closer to her. Wrapping my arm around her body, i pull her against me, "What are you doing?" She says in a giggle.

"Make the phone call Angel, pretend im not here." I kiss her neck and rub my hardening cock against her ass. She places the phone to her ear and i hear his voice on the other end.

"Romero, im f-fine.." She stutters. I continue to kiss her neck, snaking my hand up the shirt i gave her last night, palming her breast.

"No, no need. Im going straight to..." she gasps when i slide my hand between her legs, "What no, im okay. Just really busy. I will see you later, bye."

She turns around and cups my cheek giving me a harsh kiss. Pushing me onto my back, she straddles my lap, her pussy giving off heat against cock. When she pulls away our eyes lock onto each other, "You are a menace mostro." Vivi says as she leans closer.

I raised a brow at her nickname, "Monster hmm?" I asked in a low tone, hooking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, then cupping her face.

"Il mio mostro." She whispers against my lips, before she reaching low between us and grabs onto my dick. Groaning against her lips, she lines me up with her opening and sits up.

As she slides down on my cock, she keeps eye contact with me. When i first met her a month ago, she couldn't even look at me, and now she is riding me, her eyes set on mine. Her lips fall open slightly when she is seated all the way on me. I grab onto her hips, slowly rolling my hips upward. Vivian blushes and looks down rubbing her hands on my chest.

"What the matter Vivi." I asked stilling my movements.

"I think i might have over estimated myself..i dont know what im doing." She shies away from me. I sit up immediately lifting her chin so we're looking at eachother again.

"I dont care that you aren't experienced Vivian." I lift her up slightly, and lower her back down. Vivi let out a breathless moan, "I will help you." She lifts herself up again and slides down and she keeps doing that. "If you ever want to control, just tell me." i exhale sharply. Gripping her waist, she rides me faster, "But if you need me to take over," she grabs onto my shoulders as her breathing gets faster and her walls tighten around me, "Just. Say. Please."

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