Romero 🔪

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3 months later...

"Daddy, I miss mommy." Carla says as i help her to walk back into her bedroom for bed. "I know mi angelo, me too." I say sighting as i pick her up and lay her in bed. I placed a kiss on her forehead, wishing her sweet dreams as she rolls over to cuddle her bear and closes her eyes.

Quietly closing her door, i exhaled an exasperated sigh and the mask i wear for our little girl is gone. The ruthless asshole, the cold hearted Russo, as people started referring me to comes out of hiding. I have been torturing and killing all associated Russians that work or even worked for Yohan Ivanov. 90 days I've spent without my wife's touch, 90 days since I've heard her voice, 90 days I've spent looking for the motherfucker that ruined my fucking life.

Stalking into the basement of my parents home, i stride toward the cell where Michael, Ivanov's ex hit man sits unconscious bound to a steel chair. I scoff, i had told him to stay awake while i put my daughter to sleep only 15 minutes ago. Grabbing a bucket, i fill it to the brim with cold water and throw it onto his body, rendering him awake and now shivering. His bruised face staring back at me, one eye had swollen shut since i left him to think about his options.

"Didnt i tell you to stay awake, Michael?" Giving him a lethal grin, i straighten folding up my sleeves again. I peered down at my wedding ring as i folded my right sleeve up my forearm. All the memories flooding back, from our fights, to our first kiss, or the first time having sex. Even the day i said i do and called her my wife, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Tears stung my eyes, and i blinked them away. My chest aches from the pain of watching my wife going limp in my arms, but i quickly pushed them down when the fucker behind me starts groaning with pain.

"Now," I stalked back over to him after i set down the bucket and picked up my bloodied knife from the table. "Where were we? Oh, i think you were about to tell me where the fuck your boss is. And if i like your answer, i might grant you a quick death."

"I ..I told you..I dont..know where he is.." he says, teeth chattering between struggled breathes. Guess that might be the possible rib fractures. "You see Michael, i think you're lying to me and frankly, I fucking hate liars." I grit out the last couple words as i slide my blade down his chest, splitting his skin easily. Loud wails of pain and choking feel the concrete room, I cover his mouth with my hand and lean in close enough to whisper.

"If you wake up my daughter, I will have to try other methods that are far worse than you're getting now. So shut the fuck up." Standing back, i turn and walk to the table, grabbing my pistol. I check the chamber to make sure it's loaded, and as i start toward him again, cocking back the gun he speaks.

"Wait, wait." He sucks in a breathe, "I dont know where he is, but i know...i know where he'll be.."

I incline my head, signaling him to keep talking, "He has a shipment coming in next week."

"Okay, where." Sounding bored with his charade. When he doesnt speak, i lunge for him pressing the barrel between his eyes, "I said, where." I snarl.

"In New Jersey. He never has his shipments coming into New York. He pays off some cops down on the shore who dont take money from your dad. It's the only way it keep the whole thing quiet. Thats why i assume you nor your father knows about it."

"Hmm." I hum, as i lower my gun. He could be telling the truth, but then again he could be lying to me, and trying to send me on a wild goose chase as well. Id have to call Alessandro, get some men to look into it further for me. "Well, thank you for the information Michael, but i just cant let you leave." Raising the gun again, his one good eye widens in fear.

"W-wait, you said you'd spare me."

I chuckled darkly, "No, I said i would grant you a quick death, which is more than any of you fuckers deserve. Don't worry, I 'll send your head to your boss to let him know im not someone you can fuck with when it comes to my family."

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