Aurelio 😏

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Watching my brother stalk inside the cell was like watching a lion stalk his prey. I've seen my dad unhinged before with the enemy, but Romero. He makes even me, uncomfortable.

"I see you decided to show your face Romero." Yohan teased. He was naked, safe for his briefs and the bandages on both his knees from the treated gunshot wounds and the fucker had the nerve to grin.

"You wont be smiling soon fuckface." I shrug off my leather jacket and so does Junior. Junior and Remo maybe my cousins, but they're also my best friends. Junior even closer since he was pretty much over at house everyday. So when we torture our enemies, go on jobs, or guard duty, hes by my side no matter what.

"I will get some transfusions ready." He said tonelessly.

I rolled up my sleeves, and Romero removes his shirt completely. The scars on his back from two months ago were still pink. I looked away, partly cause it was my fault. He turned to me, "Stop blaming yourself Aurelio. It was my choice to go inside that building." Romero was in the hospital for 2 days because i didn't properly have his back. The building we went into was rigged to blow as soon as we walked into it. If Remo wasn't there to warn my brother, i dont think he would be standing here right now. Now, whenever my brother needs me, i dont care what I'm doing, i will do anything for him. Maim, kill, and i would even die for him if it came down to it. Not that he would ever let that happen.

"Do you mind bonding on your own time? I'm bored." Yohan smiles smugly at us. Romero strode over to him and cocks his fist back and connects it to the fuckers jaw. A satisfying bone crunch sounded and i grinned. He groaned and his head hung low as blood flowed from his mouth. I stride over to him, kneeling down on my haunches to look up at him.

"Not smiling now, are you?" I lowly chuckled.

Yohan lifts his head and spits blood at me. I lunge at him and my hand finds his throat as i unholster my Damascus Dragon knife. His eyes follow the blade, "Its beautiful right? Too bad its beauty will be smothered with your blood. It glides across the skin nicely, wanna see?" I drag the knifes blade down the length of his arm. Yohan howls in pain, just like the pussy he is. Romero takes his knife from the holster as well and places it right under his chin.

"Shut up, or ill cut out your tongue." Romero growled.

I slid my knife across his chest, and he starts to scream and wiggle in his confines. I lunge for him again, grabbing his hair pulling his head back, "Shut the fuck up and stop moving around." I snap.

I laugh lowly, not taking my eyes on him, "You've fucked with the wrong family. Now," I cross my arms over my chest, "That little niece, will live a life without you in it. And we will make sure she is the happiest little girl."

"My daughter will hate you all for killing me. Ive taken care of her for 5 years before her whore of a mother ran away. I will get my daughter, alive or dead..she mine." Yohan's eyes seemed to have turned black with rage.

The way he called her "mine', made the hair on back of my neck stand up with realization. My brother must have come to the same conclusion i did because he was on him in a split second, pummeling him. Blood splattered everywhere, my brothers fists were bloodied and raw. It took both Junior and I to drag him off. As much as he deserves death, and as much as i want to sink my knife into his neck and slice off his dick, we cant. Not yet. While im holding Romero back, Junior rushed over to the Russian, to make sure he was still breathing.

Romero's chest is heaving with hard exhales as I wait for Junior to make sure Yohan isn't dead. When Junior's shoulders go slack, he turns to me and nods his head. I sigh in relief, my brothers breathing retuning to normal and i let him go. He brings his knees up and props his arms on them and hangs his head low.

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