Gemma ❤️‍🔥

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  3 months later...(After yohan's death)

My body feels heavy, everything around me sounds like static. I feel hands on me, but i cant open my eyes. I want to move but my body isn't responding. I cant open my eyes, no matter how hard i try. I just want to see Romero, I want to see Carla.

Oh my god, my baby. I have to wake up. Get the fuck up Gemma! GET UP!

I try my fucking hardest to open my eyes, but my ears are the ones that clear first.

"Gemma, Its been 6 months since our wedding.."

Romero..fuck..his voice keeps fading. How long have i been asleep. "Carla is doing amazing..she gets"

God dammit, his voice keeps disappearing. Fucking move, Gemma. For fucks sakes hes waiting for you.

My eyes flicker, but they dont open yet..I try again. My eyes finally open and theres a soft glow filling the room from my right and the humming and beeping sounds to my left. I cant turn my head and theres something down my throat that is preventing me to speak.

I blink away the fuzziness from my eyes and finally gather the strength to finally move my head. I feel a warm sensation on my hand, so i turn to the sensation and see Romero asleep with his head laying on the mattress and his hand resting on mine. I felt myself smile seeing him by my side but i wasn't sure if i was actually smiling.

Trying to move my hand, i swallow and my throat starts to sting. I cough and wince at the pain, Romero shoots up and his eyes are wide and on me.

"G-Gemma?" he whispered.

I blink, hoping that he comes to his senses soon, because i want to kiss him so bad right now. I slowly reached for the tube in my mouth, and he stops me.

"Dont, i'll go get the doctor." He gives me a lingering kiss on the forehead, before rushing out. I lay there, the room is quiet safe for the machines. Tears sprang in my eyes, Im alive..

I felt movement in my lower abdomen, it jolted me in surprise. I tried to reach for my stomach until Romero, Sarah and Luca, along with an older looking man, came inside. The doctor crowded me, as Romero held my hand, his eyes not leaving mine.

"I'm going to take the tube out, it might sting a bit." The doctor told me.

I nodded as he began to remove the tape and then working to slowly remove the tube from my throat. Once it was removed, i swallowed and coughed for a bit. Romero hovered a cup of water to me with a straw and i sipped on it. The doctor rose my bed up, so i was sitting up.

Everyone was staring at me, as if im some stranger. But when i looked to Romero, I reached out for his hand. He instantly took my hand and sat on the bed next to me. I felt myself smiling but it didn't feel real, i felt like i was in a dream.

"Wha-" I coughed. My words were hoarse and it hurt to speak.

"Dont force yourself amore." He muttered, rubbing my hand. "We'll give you two sometime alone." Sarah spoke up gently. Once everyone left the room, I felt the flutters in my stomach again. My belly was round, and hard. I looked down to see that i was still pregnant. The fact that i didn't lose our baby made me so happy. I sniffled, staring down at my round belly, gently rubbing it with my free hand.

"Its a boy you know." Romero whispered.

I snapped my head up to him, "A boy." I whispered hoarsely. He nodded, and leaned in to kiss me. It felt weird and good at the same time. I went to deepen the kiss, but he made a grunt noise and pulled away. "You still have to heal Gemma, you just woke up i dont want to hurt you."

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