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"You look absolutely beautiful. My baby girl is all grown up now." My mom said, choking back tears after the make up artist finished my look. My mom and i were like best friends, she would have joined Stella and me at the boutique if my little brothers dentist appointment didnt take all afternoon.

It was the day of both the Spring Ball/engagement party for Romero and me. But he was no where in sight. We talked a few times over the phone and facetimed once. He was so cute over the phone, just the thought of his smile gave me goosebump. The kiss we shared before he left, or rather make out, hasn't left my mind. I stepped into my dress, pulling it up and over my body. I pressed down the fabric to flatten it to make sure it still fit. I had dieted for these 2 weeks, went on runs every morning and even started eating different, just so i could fit into this dress.

"Mari, can you zip me up please?" I shouted. She came running from the other side of the room. Mariana is my best friend, i tell her everything. Literally everything. Shes like another sister, since Rosa and i dont really share interests, and shes also 4 years younger than me. Mariana and i have been best friends for as long as i could remember. We had sleepovers, we shared our celebrity crushes, spa dates and everything. She wasn't apart of "our world" as dad liked to say, but I didn't care.

"You look so pretty hermana." She muttered. I smiled at her, placing my hand over hers on my shoulder. "Do you think Romero will like how i look?"

She scoffed playfully, "If he doesn't drool when he sees you in this dress, then he doesn't deserve you."

We both start to giggle, and then a knock sounded. "Girls its time to go downstairs." Constance, my older cousin from my moms side mumbled from the other side. She was just married a few months ago. Being 19 she should have been married at my age, but since she got sick, they had to post pone her wedding.

"Coming!" I shouted. I grabbed a match clutch from the dresser, grabbing my phone and lip gloss. I checked my phone one last time, still no messages from Romero. I was starting to feel nervous he wasn't going to show up. I shoved phone inside, and the sing on my left hand reminds me that Romero game this to me, he will be here. I straightened my spine and hooked my arm around Mariana's and we headed down together.

Almost the entire city was here. Some even from out of town. I suddenly felt overwhelmed by this party. It wasn't just for me after all. Mariana went to talk to her parents, who were talking to my mom and dad.

I bit my lip, feeling lonely all the sudden. I started to slowly back away from the crowd of people, before i bumped into a wall of hard muscle. I turned upward, "Oh im-." when i looked into a pair of light hazel irises and a sly smirk, I immediately knew who it was.

"Romero!" I said breathlessly. I jumped into his arms, not caring who was around us. A low chuckled rumbled in his chest as his strong arms enveloped. "I want to kiss you so bad right now." He whispered against my ear. Letting out a shuddered breath, I pulled back meeting his eyes with a knowing smile. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the ball room and into a dark, narrowed hallway. I giggled, "What are you doing?"

He smiled checking the corridors before his heated gaze settled on me. He grabbed both sides of my face, bent down and kissed me. Our foreheads met, my eyes closed just taking in his scent. He backs away and i open my eyes, missing his closeness. He takes in the sight of me, his brows raise high on forehead. "Wow, you look absolutely.." He trailed off, biting his lower lip. I blush and try to hide my face so he doesn't see.

"Dont hide from me Gem. You are too beautiful to be hidden." He takes me by the wrists and slowly lowers my hands from me face. Thats when it registers that he called me beautiful.

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