Romero 🔪

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As soon as i made it to my fathers office in the new club, Santi's, all eyes were on me. My dad's scrutiny made me stiffen slightly. I stalked toward his desk, pressing my palms flat on his desk.

"What took you so long?" Dad snarled. Aurelio snickered in the corner and Ricky shook his head, smiling.

"Romero was getting pussy dad. I mean fuck, i would risk your wrath for pussy too if she looked anything like Gemma."

I snapped my gaze to my immature brother. "What? Its a compliment." He shrugged.

I strode over to him, lunging at him and slamming him against the wall. He grunted before he sobered himself, meeting my gaze. He was 2 inches shorter then me, so he had to crane his neck at me.

"Brother or not, Aurelio. I will not let you talk about my wife like that. She isn't some outsider whore you fuck around with. Do you understand?" My low tone held a firm threat. I would never kill my brother, but i had no hesitation beating some sense into him if needed.

He shrugged out of my hold, not moving away. "You are not Capo yet, Brother." His wicked smile grew across his face. My hands closed into fists before father stood from his chair stalking toward us and pushed us apart.

"Thats enough, both of you." He roared. He turned to me and i rounded my shoulders, "Sit." He gritted through his teeth. I did as i was told, my gaze settling back on my brother who was being scolded and hit over the back of the head by Ricky.

My dad sank back down to his chair, rubbing his temple before his cold gray eyes settled on me.

"Yohan called me, requesting me to give him back his daughter." I didn't bother beating around the bush. I needed to get this meeting over with in order to get back to the my girls.

My chest constricted, my girls?

"What all did he say to you, Romero." Dad asked, leaning forward clasping his hands together listening intently.

I hesitated, "He said that if we handed Carla over to him, that he would move his drugs and business from our territory."

Father regarded me, then he narrowed his eyes, "And what did you say?" Father drawled. I wiped a hand over my face, I know i shoudnt say this, and i probably should made something up.
"I told him it wasnt going to happen. Carla broke her leg trying to run from his men. She wont be able to walk for months. We dont bargain with children." The last words came out harsher than i intended them to be. Ricky and my father exhanged a look, before returning their gazes back to me.

"You're going to be one hell of a Capo one day kid," Ricky said. He rounded my father's desk and slapped me on the shoulder. I peered up at him, he gave me a terse nod. "You've really grown up kid." He whispered down at me.

He strode toward the door, "Let me know what the plan is, i have a date with a certain red head and my bed." He yelled back. Junior grimaced and shook his head. Him and Aurelio were on the on the couch, scrolling through their phones.

"You two may go." Dad gave them a dismissing wave. They didnt hesitate to leave, then they silently rose from the couch and exited the office. The soft click of the door sounded and dad rose and came around to sit next to me. As he sank down, and let out a exaggerated out sigh.

"What are you doing Romero, you dont owe this little girl anything. We will find the social worker and get the girl out. Shit if i have to ill find her a way out of the country. I'm just thinking about you and Gemma's safety."

"Father, Gemma and Carla have become attached over the last few months. Separating them will only make things worse unfortunately." I close my eyes, rubbing my forehead in slight annoyance. Fathers lips thinned, opened and then closed, probably unsure what to say. "Its alright," I waved dismissively, "We'll look for the social worker first, and see where that leads us. But for now, the little girl is immobile. I will have extra guards and will accompany the girls to her appointments."

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