Vivian 🥀

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6 months later..

The last few months has been a whirl wind of chaos. Nic and I- or rather just me, haven't spoken since the day  he tried convincing me to leave my family and to run away with him. My heart told me to leave with him, but the other part of me, my loyalty to my family told me to stay. I decided to finish my the rest of the semester at home. I didn't talk much to anyone these days, except maybe Gemma. Neither her nor I were talking to my brother. Seems hes been making his rounds with disappointment.

Im more annoyed that he made me feel like i had a choice between the man i wanted to be with and him. I mean of course, Romero is my brother, my twin. He protects me with the best of his abilities, but frankly im sick of it.

Today was the day of his his and Gemma's wedding, and although her smile was fake, i knew how she truly felt. I dont know the details of why her and Romero suddenly retreated from themselves, but she was trying to avoid him. Frankly i dont blame her, Romero can be alot sometimes and he doesn't seem to be phased by her reluctance to be touched by him.

As i sit at my table with a few of my other cousins, i feel my phone vibrate. I take it out of my bag and the name i see makes my stomach tighten in knots.

Nic: I'm outside, if you dont want me to barge into this fucking mansion right now Vivian, you will come outside and talk to me. I'll give you 5 minutes.

I locked my phone and searched my surroundings and no one was  even paying attention to each other. Except Anya and her date maybe, they have been glued to each other since he got here a few hours ago. I recognized him as Nic's roommate Renzo. Im glad my family doesn't know he is Nic's friend or where exactly hes from because from the sight of my uncle, Ricky, it would just give him another reason to incapacitate him.

I got up from my chair and headed to the foyer when a strong hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into the nearest corridor. I almost screamed when a hand covered my mouth and the other wrapping around my waist. I tried to fight this person all by squirming my body until this persons lips press against the shell of my ear.

"Relax Angel, its me."

It was Nic, what the hell...

He removes his hand from my mouth and i turn my head to peer up at him, "What are you doing here? And how did you even get in here?" I muttered. He brushes a strand of hair away from my face and hooks it behind my ear.

"There isn't anything that can keep me away from you Vivian, you're mine." His tone was down right animalistic. A shiver went down my spine and he loosened his hold on me. I turned to face him fully, wracking my brain around what his end game here is.

"What do you want Nic. You know you cant be here, what we did all those months ago was amazing, but im trying to keep up both alive here by ending whatever we had."

He smiles, but it wasn't a happy smile, it was a sadistic smile. "You let your brother manipulate you into thinking you couldn't be happy without him. Did you ever think about what he might have been hiding from you? Why he has you followed when you leave the house?"

I blanched, "You dont know anything my brother does, or why he does it."

Nic shakes his head, chuckling, and his eyes darken, "Romero has been having not only you followed, but me as well. He knows about us Vivian, and he wanted you to break up with me. Now look at him, not even his new bride can stand his presence." He exhaled, "Look im not trying to pin you against him or your family Vivian, i would never do that. But i do think you deserve to be happy. I will do anything in my power to make that happen, just please, give us another chance."

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