Vivian 🥀

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Nic kept good on his promise, he took me to lunch everyday for the next 3 weeks. We text everyday until late hours and we just recently started FaceTiming two days ago. It's currently 230 am Saturday morning and i have to be up in 4 hours, but Nic and i cant stop talking to eachother. Right now we're listening to my mom play the piano that i recorded for my 15th birthday. It was a beautiful symphony. I started to hum the song because I've listened to it countless times when im stressed. When the song ended, i looked at Nic and he had a cute smile on his face. He was laying in bed with a shirt on but it was short sleeved and i could see the black and white ink on his arm that is currently resting behind his head. His neck tattoos as well and for some reason, i want to feel his inked skin. I want to look at the story behind the ink.

"Admiring my tattoos again Angel?" He smirks. He's so smug, I roll my eyes and turn to my side.

"They're just fascinating that's all. I never considered getting a tattoo before, they look so pretty." I grin shyly.

"They're also extremely painful, well in some spots. The one on my back hurt the most, took about 4 hours each session." He shrugs, "Wanna see it?"

I gasp, but i nod anyway. He shuffles out of bed, and props his phone on his dresser. I swallow past a lump in my throat as he steps back and pulls over his shirt. My lips part and my thighs clench at the sight of his muscular form. He turns and i sit up straight in my bed, his back tattoo is one big snake and rose. The snake is winding itself up the stem of a wilted rose. I love snakes, always thought they were interesting creatures and the fact that Nic has this on his back makes my core tighten.

"It's beautiful Nic, when did you get it?"

He turns briefly, placing his hands on either side of his phone and leans in to the screen. I unconsciously lean back, biting my lip. He tilts his head, grinning that addicting smile. He straightens, showing his abs and a very defined V line, before his shirt covers him again. He grabs his phone and throws himself down onto his bed, "I got it a month before I came here. Let's just say my dad wasnt the happiest about it but," he trails off and shrugs his shoulder.

He also told me all about his family, holding nothing back. It made me really happy that he didn't hesitate to tell me even though our families are rivals apparently. I didnt even know they existed until i met Nic.

"I really like snakes, but my father said they werent allowed in the house so, i wasnt able to get one." I said yawning. I lay back down on my pillow propping up my phone on my night stand.

"Thats dumb, one day I'll get you any snake you want, as long as it's not poisonous of course." He props his phone up as well, and its like we're laying next to eachother. "You should really get some sleep Vivian, you have to be up soon, right?"

I yawn again and nod my head. My eye lids failing to stay open, "But i want to"

I hear distant chuckling before a low voice says, "Goodnight Angel."

Angel, wake up..

Am i dreaming?

I open my eyes and im not in my room, im in what looks like a beach canopy. I sit up and im in a black bikini and its sunny outside. I straighten all the way and see the beach waves crashing about 50 feet away. "There she is.." A deep voice sounds from my right, i turn and there he is. Nic. Shirtless and in nothing but black swim trunks. He hands me a glass of wine just as he sinks down next to me. "Enjoy your nap dolcezza?"

I stare at him with a blank expression, "Um, yeah..i guess." I watch him as he takes a sip of the brown liquid in his glass. His tattooed hand lightly gripping the glass, has my whole body on fire. I have the sudden urge to kiss him right now, and i dont know where this confidence came from but i lean over and press my lips to his. He takes like whiskey and sin. He cups my cheek and deepens the kiss by plunging his tongue into my mouth. A moan escapes me, I've never heard myself make such an odd sound before. He stops kissing me briefly to set our glasses down, and as he turns back to me and rolls himself on top of me, using his huge toned thigh to spread my legs open so he can press himself into my already needy core.

Nic kisses my lips, his hand against my skin leaving goosebumps in his wake. He kisses and bites my neck, and i arch into him as he grinds his hips into me, and something hard presses against my center. "You're gonna get me killed one day Angel." He growls against my neck.

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