Epilogue Vivian

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3 years later...

"Nic! Let her go you'll see her in 2 days at the wedding good lord." Viola said as she tried her best to pry my soon to be husband off me. He was peppering me with kisses while his dad, his two brothers and Renzo impatiently wait for him.

I finally push him away, creating a short distance between us and he pretends to pout, "Come on, i hate this fucking tradition. Let's break it and make our own hmm?" He said wiggling his eyebrows. I rested my hands on his chest shaking my head at him and smiling, "Thats what got us into this situation im currently in remmeber?" We both peer down between us to my not so subtle but huge pregnant belly. 8 months ago we found out i was pregnant when we came back from visiting my parents in Montana. Nic and dad had bought properties up there that we both can go to as families to celebrate birthdays and Christmas. It was only a year ago that mom and i convinced our men to finally do something about it. And it was on that trip 8 months ago that i found out i was pregnant. We were over joyed at the news since we had been trying for a while. I've only been in Vegas for 3 years, but it's the happiest 3 years of my life.

"Yes, my little princesses in there." He rested his hand on my bump and rubbed his softly, before looked back to me, "Fine, but please let me see you before the wedding."

"Nicolo!" The girls whined behind me. My mom, Gemma, Stella, Heather and Anya all flew in last night. We decided to have the wedding in Montana at our huge mansion light cabin. Not only because it was neutral ground for both our families, but it was also big enough to hold the festivities and to have everyone's families stay, if they wanted. Dad still had his own mansion just a 5 minute drive down the road.

Laughing he let me go, dad and Cassio had come to an agreement, only at the expense that Nic and i are happy. None of their soldiers would tread onto their territory though unless they agreed to meet before hand. They were both standing behind Nic, along with my brothers Romero and Aurelio, and Alessandro. It made me happy that my family could be here. Aunt Vero and Jackson along with everyone else including Uncle Ricky and Amber, and well everyone else will be here in 2 days for the wedding.

After giving me one final kiss he finally, reluctantly, let go and slowly stalked toward the men as i did with the women.

The men trailed off to do god knows what for the next two days, while my mom and Anya booked out a spa day for all of us today and then make overs the next day for the wedding. We spent the entire day, getting massages, our nails done, facials, swimming. Anya even announced that her and Renzo were going to get married next year, at the reluctance to uncle Ricky of course, but Renzo was a successful lawyer and would more than likely take care of Anya. Mom told me that her and dad spent their anniversary in Venice this year. She showed me photos of their yacht trip, and then even more photos of our family in Italy. They couldnt come today which was understandable. Gemma and Stella announced they were both pregnant and even due at the same time. Both having girls too. It makes me heart swell with love that everyone is so happy.


The night before the wedding, we all settled into the house, but the men stayed in their wing and the women stayed in theres. Nic has not stopped texting and calling me since yesterday, and i find it completely adorable that he is so clingy. Ever since i started showing, he is the one that started buying endless amounts of things for our girls. Matching cribs, clothes, toys. Their nursery is pink, and even has a double bed in the room for when i have the girls and have to stay up feeding them. He has been so wonderful about everything. It honestly surprised me.

As im sitting on my bed, rearranging the flower girls baskets when my phone rang. It was nic again. I smiled as i answered the phone, "Nic, we will see eachother in 12 hours, i promise you'll be okay."

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