Romero 🔪

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After i realized what i just said, we both tensed. I pulled out of her slowly, I put myself away and watched as my come slid down her legs in the moonlight. I reached over my desk and grabbed a few tissues and cleaned her up. When i finished wiping the last of my mess, Gemma straightened fixing the her dress.

"I'll go order dinner.." she muttered. I couldn't look at her after what i said, but when the door clicked shut i stared at the door. I sank down to my chair, resting my elbows on my desk running my hands down my face. I pulled out my phone and called the only person i can trust with my bullshit.



I explained my situation to my twin and she did what she did best, listened until i was done talking so she could process all of the information before either judging me or give me advice or most likely both these days. When i was done speaking, Vivi didn't say anything.

"You're mad at me aren't you." I said with a sigh. Leaning back i rested my head on the back of the chair.

"Im not mad, disappointed maybe.." Vivi's soft voice filled my head.


She maybe older by 10 minutes, but i always felt like the older brother. Especially with how fragile i know my twin is. We are very different from my aunt and uncle, Vero and Ricky. They're always constantly fighting over stupid shit. But in the end, Ricky would do anything to protect Vero and I would do the exact same for Vivi. I also never thought i was disappoint my sister, shes my whole world, next to mom of course.

"I told her i loved her after we had sex in my office."

She took a moment before she answered, "And do you mean it?"

Do i mean it? I mean i care alot for Gemma, i mean im letting the enemies daughter stay in my house for fucks sake.

"I-I guess i do.."

Vivi sighed, "This isn't working, if i cant see what your face looks like, so i cant properly give you logical advice. I will tell Gerard to bring me over. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"No, wait Vivi.." the line went dead, "Vivian? Hello?"


Now im going to be surrounded by all females in this house. If father didn't need Matteo and Valerio, it would have evened my odds.

Just like Vivi said, she showed up 10 minutes later. My phone pinged with a security camera notification and i immediately went to greet her. Gemma was quicker, shes always quicker.

"Oh, Vivi. We werent expecting you this late, um dinners on the way here." Gemma said as she closed the door behind her. My sister was gorgeous as usual, she was always so proper with her clothing just as i was. But today she was already in her lounge wear, it was very unlike her.

"I expected her, she came over to talk." I interrupted, stepping to my sisters side, kissing her cheek in greeting, "Hello Vivi."

"Well ill leave you two to talk then." Gemma said to my sister then glared at me, "Can you please watch Carla while i..shower." She dragged out the word with such disdain it almost made me smile. She didn't leave me much choice as she walked away leaving the little girl to play with her teddy bear and a doll. The doll had a crown fitted on her head with brown hair, and the bear had a cape wrapped around its neck. My mouth twitched, this poor innocent girl doesn't even know that her world is shattering around her.

"She's very pretty from what i remember." Vivi said breaking my thoughts.

"Yeah she is, we can sit in the corner by the window. That way I can..keep an eye on her til Gemma comes back."

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