Romero 🔪

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It's been 2 days since Gemma's c-section with the boys. We have to stay here for a few days to make sure she doesnt hemorrhage again. So far so good. She is breastfeeding Mauro right now, while i watch Santo in his crib. He is a bit smaller than Mauro, but the doctor assured us that it was normal for twins to be a bit different from each other at first. Gemma and I call him our warrior because he was born, his heart wasnt beating. The nurses and doctors resuscitated him and immediately took him to the NICU. They say he has a weak heart, but he refuses to stop fighting.

"How is our little warrior?" Gemma asked just as the nurse took Mauro from her hold.

"He's still fighting tesoro. Much like his mother." I turned to her and she gives me a gentle smile. I stood from my chair, and stalked over to her, "How are you feeling? Any pain?"

"A little, but nothing i cant handle. Don't worry so much." She leaned her head back against the pillow.

I bent down and pressed my lips to hers, "I love you. You did such a great job amore."

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I growled inwardly at the intrusion, i told my dad i didnt want to be disturbed while i was here with Gemma, but low and be hold it was my father. I slide the green button across the screen before putting it to my ear.

"Yes father?" I stifled the annoyance in my tone.

"We know where your sister is Romero, but we need you. I can send Junior over to watch over Gemma and the boys. Remo, Alessandro and Matteo will be waiting outside the hospital for extra precaution. Im only asking you, so you can get through to your sister Romero, you know she only ever listened to you."

My father is right, Vivian trusts me more than anyone. But after how i betrayed her, i dont know if she will be persuaded that easily. "Where do i need to go?"

"She's currently staying at a hotel near Korea town. We dont know what Nicolo's plan is with your sister but be careful. Your priority is Vivian, if you need to, kill Nicolo."

"Understood." I hung up.

"Whats going on Romero?" Gemma asked, placing her hand on mine. If i told her about Vivi, she might try and stop me. I dont like lying to her, in fact i dont remember the last time i ever did lie to her. I lean down and kiss her lips again, lingering for a moment before pressing my forehead to hers.

"Just work Mia Cara. I will come back to you, Carla and the boys. I love you." I straightened, didnt give her a chance to question me again. I grabbed my jacket and left the room. I needed to get my sister out of this situation before anyone else i love gets hurt..


"Thank you Heather. I will get the bag later, and please dont tell Anya that i was here. I know she misses me but..shes loyal to her dad and..well.." I drifted off, my heart shattered.

"I wont tell Anya, but you really need to come back Vi. Everyone's going crazy about you and Nic. Your dad has my dad, Anya's dad, and your brothers; well everyone looking for you. They're bound to find you one way or another."

I stayed silent because i knew she was right. I was standing next to a floor to ceiling window, my free arm wrapped around my middle. I heard Heather sigh, sounding resigned.

"I will drop off the bag in 20 minutes, it'll be in the lobby. Just promise me that you know what you're doing?"

"I-..I promise."

After we hung up, I sank down on a nearby sofa. I stare at my phone, well the one that Nic bought me when we were in Vegas. We only stayed a day or so until Nic needed to come back to New York to get some of his things from his old apartment.

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