Hello Readers,
Today is a journal of a teacher and an empath because the way my emotions have been flaring up is crazy lol like I haven't had flare ups in so long.
But anyways lol lets focus on today and things That I want to talk about, so today has been an okay day I have a new student in our daycare class nd she is a bit quiet and stuff but just have to allow her to open up fully because today was her first day after all.
I now have a lot of students in my class lol its funny because started off with just four than kept bouncing back and forth from 5 to 8 to 6 than 7 now I have 6 toddlers and 5 babies whew thats a lot lol but today it was a good trial because now I have a better idea of what to expect, I think as the numbers grow it is getting a little challenging to get all the babies to sleep.
2 babies just woke up and will not go back to sleep, so much for my break lol but its all good these kids be cracking me up I promise lol.
Now lets talk empath and the flaring , I am beginning to think that I am unlocking a new part of me and well thats a part of a challenge that I am to understand. Things are not easy right now and especially because I finally found someone that I am compatible with but them being afraid of the unknown it sucks , I have realized that fear has a sneaky way of stopping others from doing what they want because of the unknown and I won't lie and say that it is easy not to let fear get to you because it is scary but at same time life is scary and full of challenging things but if you don't take a leap of faith than you will regret in the end and to be honest there is nothing worse than feeling regret from something if you had just put fear a side.
I am afraid of many things and the first is being afraid to love again but I know that I am naturally a very loving person and not being open to accept energy or emotions from another is like cutting parts of myself off lol and thats scary, I never want to hide parts of me or lose it.
This life is hard and challenging but it is perspective that can and will make it better but in the end all will be well when you make it well.
I am praying that I can better things for myself because there is no more depending on some one else for happiness or there is no more wallowing in sadness or forcing myself to be important to someone who doesn't give a flying flip. The new motto is : " okay, I see how you are".
May peace continue to be among those who follow truth,
Her untold story
AdventureMany people live through many adventures in their lives and it's not recorded or written . So ..... this is my story