enemy lines

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?: you know the target and what to do so get it done

y/n: polite as ever

?: you have 20 minutes to get in and out i want anyone in the way of the target dead, don't forget proof

y/n: i get it, kill kill kill whatever now stop texting me so i can do my job

i just hate when the client is rude absolutely no need, and why do these mob type wanna be men always have to have their meetings in dusty flats, i'm here to kill them not die climbing up the stairs

?: 15 minutes.

-you roll your eyes, you reach the top of the stairs and hear voices, men talking about plans and tech software as usual, you take out your silencer and place it at the end of your gun, walking through the flat taking out his men quickly and efficiently until you reach the room the target is in, it's just him and 3 other men-

"sorry fellas don't mean to interrupt" you walk in and they all turn to you

"get her!" the target yells

"the only thing your men are getting right now is their life insurance payouts , oh and i forgot" you shoot the other 2 men by the main target then face the gun on him

"please you don't have to do this, i have money i-"

"i have money too, now shut up this desperation thing is not a good look on you and honestly i don't really care"

"why are you doing this"

"ya know what i'm not too sure on that one my boss is quite discreet, i'm bored of this conversation now" you shoot him in the head then get your phone out and send your boss the photo of the body

?: money transferred into your account

"huh looks like my jobs been done for me" you hear a voice behind you and feel a gun against your head

"drop the weapon!" you drop your gun out your hands up and turn around to see a tall redhead

"and who are you exactly" she asks

"doesn't matter who i am, i don't plan on staying long, nice as it's been red i should be heading off" just as you're about to walk out you feel a blow to the head

- 3 hours later -

fucking hell my head is killing me

you slowly open your eyes and see your ankles and hands are in restraints, you're on some kind of jet nobody is around and you easily unchain yourself and get up, you search for a weapon to use against whoever took you but the options are less than ideal so you grab the laces out of your boot and slowly sneak out into the main area where the redhead is sat reading, you walk behind her and wrap the lace around her neck

"i don't know who the fuck you are lady and frankly i couldn't give 2 shits, you have 2 choices you land this plane and i get off and you carry on your way home or option 2 i kill you and land this thing by myself" the redhead chuckles

"and what's so funny"

"you really think it's that simple, you have no chance the jet runs of voice recognition and there's no way i'm letting you land this plane so you have 2 options, one you get this fucking shoe lace away from me and calm down or 2 you kill me and my team kills you when the jet inevitably lands in new york" shit you think over your options and release the lace from her neck

"so you want to tell me what you were doing killing celik"

"who?" you ask

"the man you just killed"

"oh that's his name"

"you didn't know who he was?" she places her book down on the coffee table and gestures for you to sit on the sofa in front of her which you do

"no why who was he"

"billionaire, wanted to sell data software to the highest bidder"


"cool? you're kidding be was putting thousands of people at risk"

"big whoop"

"who are you?"

"who are you?" you ask

"natasha romanoff"

"no shit for real oh this is just great, you're one of those little action figure people who thinks she saves the world"

"the avengers do a lot of good"

"in whose eyes?"

"we do"

"what about sokovia" you see her look down

"yeah that's what i thought red" you lean back

"who do you work for?" she tries to change the subject

"probably the same person you work for"

"we don't work for the same people"

"you know who you work for?"

"yes" she answers



"really? because i think if you look high enough you'd probably find we share a boss"

"how'd you get out the restraints" she tries to change the conversation

"wow you're a pro and changing the topic of conversation now aren't you red"


"not the first time i've been tied up" you wink at her and she rolls her eyes

"quinjet landing in 0.15 minutes" you hear a voice coming from nowhere and stand up instantly reaching towards where you usually keep your gun but it's not there

"hey calm down it's just jarvis he's installed in here and the tower it's just some tech" you slowly sit back down

"where are you taking me"

"avengers tower, you'll be in a cell until stark and fury decide what to do with you"

"i am not going in a cell"

"yes you are"

"i'll just run before you can catch me"

"that won't work, the towers locked down and surrounded by guards who'll have no issue taking you out wherever you go" you roll your eyes and huff

"my boss is gonna be so pissed" you say under your breath nat looks at you concerned

-15 minutes go by and you arrive and the tower nat puts handcuffs on you reluctantly and you walk out where to guards take an arm each and drag you to a cell

"careful with that one boys she's a runner" nat yells as they walk me away

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