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"you're wet?!" bucky says as you and nat take a seat down at the table for lunch

"yeah i had a shower after my run"

"yeah i showerd when i got back home" nat cooperates

"didn't you shower this morning though nat" wanda asks, you shoot her a look to be quiet and she puts the pieces together

"oh wait no actually you didn't shower this morning, nevermind" everyone is now looking at you and nat confused

"so what's for lunch" nat says changing the conversation, everyone moves on with their conversations and nat talks to you in your mind

"i need details now!"

"i'll talk to you later"

"i'm going to the bathroom y/n will you come with i have a.... girl thing" you look at her and slightly shake your head

"sure" she gets up and walks into the bathroom as soon as you walk in she punched your arm

"uh ouch what was that for"

"you are such a liar"

"i am not"

"you and nat i need details"

"what're you on about maximoff"

"i know for a fact nat showered this morning, i know because she asked me for my shampoo"

"okay and?"

"she just happened to shower at the exact same time as you?"

"i guess"

"do you think i'm dumb" before you can respond the door opens and nat walks in

"guys what're you talking about you can't just leave me with all the guys they're talking about boy shit" wanda punches her in the arm

"the fuck wanda"

"she punched me too" wanda pulls nat in closer and locks the door

"you two talk now!"

"wanda i-?"

"you two slept together"

"we did not"

"don't lie to me, y/n i may not be able to read your mind but nat i sure as hell can read yours and i'd appreciate if you'd stop with those thoughts about y/n whilst we are talking i'm trying to be mad at you" nat looks down flustered

"wanda could you please not read my mind"

"in her defence red you're thinking very loudly, thanks by the way glad you think that way about me"

"oi" wanda punches you both

"you have to stop doing that"

"admit it"

"we didn't sleep together, just because nat thinks those things about me that's just because duh look at me but doesn't mean we actually slept together"

"don't gaslight me you idiots" wanda goes to punch you both again but you and nat both catch her fists this time

"just tell me i won't tell anyone" you and nat look at eachother then back at wanda and roll your eyes

"fine you're right" a big smile crosses wandas face

"i knew it!"

"shhh wanda do you want everyone to hear you"

"so are you guys together now or what"

"no, it's very new okay we hated eachother until yesterday"

"fine but just for the record i want you guys together, you're perfect for eachother, you're grumpy, you're grumpy you're perfect for one another"

"i am not grumpy" you both say at the same time

"i love this"

"wanda you can't tell anyone"

"i won't don't worry but i do want constant updates"

"you're so weird witch girl" nat walks out

"y/n and nat sitting in a tree K I S S I N G"

"shut up or i'll punch you" wanda puts her finger over her lip

"now come on i want some mozzarella bites before sam eats them all" you put your arm around wanda and walk back out to everyone where you enjoy the rest of your lunch

"y/n, once you're finished up i need a word okay"
tony says across the table

you finish up lunch and head to tony's office where he's sat doing paperwork

"hey stark"

"y/n take a seat" you sit in front of him

"what's wrong?"

"this morning whilst you were on your run, someone hacked our security systems, maria and colsen were here at the right time and managed to minimise the threat, we found a man looking for you"

"where is he" you say scared

"he's in a cell, we have tried to talk to him but he won't answer us, said he'll only talk to you"

"did you get his name?"

"krater" your eyes widen and your breathing irregulates

"y/n? you know him personally?" you nod your head and grin tightly onto the chair, tony approaches you squatting in front of your chair putting his hands on yours

"it's okay y/n, just breathe, you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to, we can figure something else out"

"i have to do it"

"y/n who is he"

"he trained me"

"i thought widows trained together?"

"we did mostly, dreykov said i was special, krater trained me out of hours, he was like a father to me in the red room until he was the last face i saw when they made me kill me friend, when they put the tracker in me, when they sterilised me" you look down and tony puts his hand on your face and wipes away the tear rolling down your cheek

"if you agree to talk to him i won't leave your side okay"

"you promise?"

"i promise kid, you ready?" you nod your head, you and tony stand up and walk to the cells before you enter tony pulls you into a hug

"don't let him get to you okay, he can't hurt you anymore"

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