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you go back out to everyone who didn't even notice you were gone but they're all sat down now, you go and sit next to wanda

"i'm sorry about nat wanda, she didn't mean it, she's just mad, drunk and got the wrong impression"

"it's okay i get it, she's always been possessive over things and people she likes and she really likes you"

"well i spoke to her and explained we are just friends" she puts her hand on your shoulder, just as she does you notice nat walk out of the room tucking in her shirt she sees you and wanda and immediately walks over to sit next to maria, you notice her flirting with her, actually flirting touching her leg, her shoulder, laughing at everything she says

"oh you have got to be kidding me"

"uhm y/n"

"yes sam"

"why is nat flirting with maria i thought you guys were a thing"

"they are a thing" wanda confirms, you clench your fist

"y/n whatre you going to do?"

"sam stop trying to stir things, she's not going to do anything nats only flirting to make y/n jealous"

"i'm gonna kill her" you see nat leaning into maria's ear whispering to her, maria puts her hand high up on nats thigh, you stand up and walk over

"okay enough with the games now get up" you say to nat

"no im staying here"

"no you're fucking not, get up now"

"no, go back to your little girlfriend and flirt with her im not moving"

"you're crazy romanoff actually crazy"

"don't fucking call me crazy"

"get up and come with me now, we have to talk"

"no im not going anywhere, i'm staying with maria" you'd had enough you bent down and lift nat over your shoulder effortlessly

"it's been great guys me and romanoff are going to head off now" you go upstairs to your room, then out onto the balcony in the pouring rain, locking the door then putting nat down


"can you stop dragging me into random places and not letting me leave, let me go inside it's pouring rain right now"

"what the fuck natalia"

"what i was only doing what you were"

"i was talking to my friend thanking her for getting me out of the red room, you were flirting with maria to make me jealous"

"i don't like how close you guys are everyone thinks you're together"

"me and wanda aren't together romanoff, if you hadn't noticed in your girlfriend, i only want you, i don't look at anyone else like i look at you you're the only person i have eyes for"

"people don't think we are together"

"oh my god why do you care what anyone else thinks"

"i just do"

"fine" you get your phone out, and begin to send a text

"who are you texting? wanda?" nat says rolling her eyes



"i told jarvis to organise a press release tomorrow"


"i'm announcing our relationship tomorrow on the news for everyone to see"


"shut up okay, for once, i don't know how else i can get it in your head natalia alianovna romanova i just want you, you are my girlfriend i chose you, i want you"

"why, i'm clearly just an inconvenience to you"

"you might think that but it's not true, you're the best thing that ever happened to me even though you're a pain in my ass most of the time,i love you so just stop it" you step closer to her putting your hands on her waist then tuck her hair behind her ears it's soaked from the rain

"what did you just say?"

"i said stop it"

"no before that"


"you just said i love you"

"did i?" she nods her head

"i mean i didn't want to say it especially not like this because i know it's soon but now it's out anyway, i do i love you nat, you saved my life, you are my life and i want to spend my life with you" you scan her face trying to figure out what she's thinking but it's blank


"i love you too y/n"

"you do? because you don't have to say it just because i did"

"i do y/n i love you, that's why i was so jealous of wanda, i was scared of losing you"

"you could never lose me, i'm here, i don't want to go anywhere, i look for you in every room i walk into, but you have to stop with the jealousy okay because i'm not leaving you, i'm never going to leave you"

"i'll stop with the jealousy i promise, and i'll apologise to wanda" she rests her forehead on yours

"come on romanoff let's have a shower, put on some pjs and go to sleep i'm tired and it's been a long night"

"that sounds perfect" you unlock the door of the balcony and head into the bathroom with nat, running the shower and taking off your wet clothes

"now how about we finish what i started earlier" you step in the shower and hold out your hand to nat she smirks and takes it stepping into the shower

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