life moves on

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5 years later

"blackbirds singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly all your life you were only waiting for this moment to arise" you sing whilst needing some dough

"y/n romanoff are you forcing our daughter to help you make bread again and making her listen to you singing what did she ever do wrong to you" nat walks in looking at you both smiling

"she loves cooking and singing with her momma don't you riles" you wipe some flour on your daughters nose and she giggles

"look mommy my hand print" nat walks over looking at your daughters handprint in the dough

"very nice sweetheart now come on it's bath time for you then bedtime"

"but i want to stay and cook with momma"

"riley listen to your mom we are done now anyways it just has to go in the oven, by the time you finish bathtime it'll be ready to eat you can have some before sleep"

"okay" she says a bit deflated until nat opens up her arms lifting riley off the counter when the doorbell rings

"were we expecting anyone?" nat asks

"no but it's fine i got it have a good bathtime bambina" you kiss nats cheek and then your daughters head before walking towards the door


"i'm coming!" you yell you open the door to see a familiar face

"if your jaw drops any further on the floor people may mistake it for doorway"

"blondie!" you wrap your arms tightly around steve and he pulls you into a bear hug lifting you off the ground

"i was told you were living in italy, you have no idea how hard it's been to find you"

"come in" you say, he walks in and you both go and take seats on the couch

"nice place you got here"

"thanks we really tried to make it into a home"

"still with romanoff then?" you lift up your hand to show off your wedding ring

"no shit i'm so happy for you, when did that happen?" he smiles widely

"we got engaged the last day we saw you, married a year later after we'd settled here, see" you stand up walking over to the fireplace you pick up a photo frame showing a picture of you and nat on your wedding day and hand it to him

"you both look beautiful, i wish i could've been there"

"we wanted to reach out but after the phones went down we were scared of trying to contact you in case something happened"

"you don't have to explain yourself to me kid, i'm just happy you're happy and safe"

"in the nicest way steve, what are you doing here?"

"the teams back together, there's a threat, a big threat have you ever heard of thanos"

"no why who is he?"

"he is someone who's trying to collect the infinity stones to wipe out half of the population, we need to stop him before he-" before he can finish your daughter comes running in

"y/n who was at the door-" nat walks in and sees steve sat on the couch

"look who's here babe" you look to nat, you pick riley up and place her on your knee whilst steve hugs nat before coming to sit down

"and who's this little one"

"steve this is riley, our daughter" steve looks up a tear in his eye

"hey riley i'm steve"

"superhero steve?" she looks up to you and nat, he can't help but laugh

"that's the one"

"hey riles why don't you head to your room and we will be right in to read you a bedtime story okay your mommy's just have to talk to steve for a little bit" she nods before going to her room

"how old is she?"

"she's 4, now steve you have to tell nat what you just told me" he talks through everything he said to you

"we could do with your guys' help back in america i know it's asking a lot and i know you have your own life and it's truly beautiful but this is for everyone on earth if thanos succeeds we could lose half the population that could include you guys, your daughter, everyone"

"it's a lot to think about rodgers"

"i need an answer by tomorrow morning i'll leave to let you guys talk this out, i'll be at the nearest airport tomorrow at 11 if you're not there i'll take that as my answer" he stands up hugs you both then leaves leaving you and nat alone


"just as everything is perfect for us why does something always come in the way" nat says a tear rolling down her face

"we don't have to go nat, they can handle it themselves"

"but what if they can't, what if thanos gets the stones, i could lose you, we could lose riley, yelena, everyone"

"so you're saying you want to help?"

"no, yes, i don't know, i don't want to but we have to right? i mean without your powers they don't stand a chance"

"so i'll go, you stay here with riley, there's no point us both going and dyi- there's no point us both going"

"i'm not letting you go alone y/n we are a team, if you go i go"

"then i guess we have to go don't we" she nods her head and you pull her in for a hug before pulling away, you kiss her forehead

"it's going to be okay you know and when this is all over we can come back home and carry on our lives"

"im gonna miss it here whilst we are gone"

"yeah me too, now come on let's enjoy our last night for a while, we can read to bambina tuck her in then me and you can sit down for dinner and just talk yeah?"

"that sounds great"

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